Rest in Wangtau: Useful Information


A small town of Vungtau, which is 130 kilometers from Ho Chi Minhine, the beach resort is quite popular among tourists, where you can spend a week and a half more time, not only on the beach of the South China Sea, but also inspecting the local surroundings and attractions. However, as everywhere on vacation, it is necessary to take into account local characteristics and household nuances. About them and will be discussed below.

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The penetration of recognized international English in Vungtau is practically felt, more French, but in large hotels and restaurants, personnel own initial knowledge, so it is quite possible to explain. A small set of words and gestures work perfectly. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that it is necessary to show right hand, for the left hand due to some reasons, the Vietnamese consider "dirty" and can be offended by you. Moreover, travelers from Russia will delight the fact that a fairly large Russian community has a fairly large Russian community, consisting mainly of the employees of the joint Russian-Vietnamese oil company. So hear Russian speech in the city can be quite often.

Officially, tips in Vungtau (and in all Vietnam) are not accepted, however, as practice shows, 5-10% of the account cost is worth it. It's not so much, but the quality of service in this case increases at times. An employee in hotels can be given a trifle that fell in pockets. However, it does not apply to taxi drivers with which it is necessary to either negotiate the payment of the trip on the meter, or immediately stipulate the amount for which you will be taken. Otherwise, it may turn out very ugly. By the way about trips. Despite the fact that the city is not so big, the plugs in it is absolutely ordinary phenomenon. So if you need to come somewhere on time, consider this fact.

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In the continuation of moving around the city. Most of the tourists who come to Vungtau for a week and more, prefer to rent motorcycles and mopeds. It is logical, because there is no public transport in the city, and taxi on Vietnamese standards is not very cheap. But before renting transport it is worth remembering that the hijacking of vehicles in the city is not uncommon. So if you take a scooter for rent, be sure to demand a chain with a lock, which would be the opportunity to "tie" it in the parking lots. Yes, and when moving on a scooter on Wungtau, be careful. The rules of the road exist here, but no one was going to abide by them, and do not seem to be going.

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Rooming Communication with SIM cards of Russian operators in Vungtau is insanely expensive (not lower than 100 rubles per minute), so it is better to use payphones to contact your homeland, which are not so much in the city, but nevertheless they are. Payment of conversations in this case occurs on cards that are sold in supermarkets. But there are no problems with the Internet in the city. Access points Wi-Fi a lot, both paid and free.

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Several security tips

Health and medicine

If we're not worth going to go to Vungtau without medical insurance, it is reasonable and understandable, then our other nuances make sense to consider.

First, before the trip, it makes sense to pass vaccination, especially if it is planned not only to lie on the beach, but also attend excursions in places of distant from the city. Set of typical vaccinations for all Southeast Asia. These are vaccinations from: tetanus, rabies, malaria, hemorrhagic fever.

Secondly, the level of medicine in Vungtau is at a very low level and doctors often do not comply with the rules of hygiene. So before you, God forbid will make medical procedures, always require confirmation that the medical instrument is sterile, it concerns the needles for syringes.

Thirdly. Try to eat in civilized places, and not by local fast food, which can be produced from it is not clear what and in unsanitary conditions. Do not order ice drinks, as water water is almost always taken for ice.

Fourth. When traveling for the city, use repellents and ointments from insects, many of which are carriers of viral diseases.

Overall safety

The Vietnamese people are good enough and the tourists are very good, but the pocket thefts here are very frequent. There are also cases of tissue of ladies with criminals on mopeds. Whatever does not suffer from it, it is worth not to carry large amounts of money and things to always hold in your hands, especially in places of crowd of people.

It is also worth being careful when making purchases. Prices for goods for tourists are not overcome, but ten times! Be sure to tramble, check the purchased goods and be sure to check. Local merchants love cheating on it.

Dear shopping, like for example, buy jewelry only in large stores and be sure to check. On the street and in small shops stumble upon a fake easier than simple.

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