London - modern megapolis with historical past


In London, I met what I was waiting for him. Namely: the two-storey red buses on the roads, at every turn red telephone booths, and on the heads of the police chassis.

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At the exit from the terminal of Heathrow Airport, there is a subway, which is very convenient and thought out. The London Metropolitan is the most expensive in Europe. The cost of the ticket has a direct dependence on the distance. The further - the more expensive. The minimum passage costs 2 pounds, so it is better to purchase a travel. Metro in London is one of the oldest in the world, because it has been more than 150 years old. Probably, therefore, there is very stuffy in the subway, there is no air conditioner, the wagons are small and there is no discomfort.

London is an expensive city, but it has many famous attractions that can be visited completely free.

Big Ben, contrary to erroneous opinion, called the bell (and not the clock), which is located in the tower adjacent to the building of the parliament.

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What I liked in London is that the main attractions are within walking distance of each other. Just a ten minute walk from Big Ben is the Trafalgar Square, named in honor of the battle, in which the famous Admiral Nelson broke Napoleon's fleet. As for me, the area is very serious: a magnificent fountain, huge lions (for which anyone wants to sit down), the pompous building of the museum, flags and crowds of people.

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As I said, in almost all London museums, the entrance is free: Museum of Contemporary Art, British Museum, Victoria Museum and Albert, National Gallery. I visited the Museum of Natural History, the inner decoration of which is similar to the medieval castle. A copy of the huge skeleton of the diplodok is worth a copy of the museum. Do not take money for the entrance, but next to the diplodok is an automatic, with which for a specific board, the skeleton can be highlighted or set out. This museum presents a large collection of prehistoric inhabitants: a tyrantosaurus, fossils of ancient fish, a copy of the skeleton of a prehistoric bear. In addition, there is an eight meter squid, a copy of blue whale in full size, a lot of different insects and stuffed birds.

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Madame Tussao Museum is a famous museum of wax figures. All his halls are filled with wax copies of celebrities from different historical eras. Login 40 dollars. There are a lot of visitors. They go from the exhibit to another exhibit, or criticize or admire them.

Be sure to recommend taking a tour of the Thame River (the cost of 10 dollars) is a great opportunity to better consider London.

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The British almost do not drink coffee, but prefer to arrange a tea party, which is one of the oldest traditions. A cup of tea can be served on the famous ferris wheel - London eye. This wheel has been the highest in the world for a long time (135 meters). The standard ticket for it costs 15 pounds. From the ferris wheel, a breathtaking view of the entire city and its sights.

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London Tower is one of the oldest facilities and the historic center of the city. The entrance ticket costs 18 dollars. Tower has already been 900 years old on the banks of the Thames. The fortress became another symbol of the city. At different times, there was an observatory, treasury and even a lovers. But truly Tower is known for us as a prison.

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In the area of ​​Cemendon, the alternative life of London proceeds, without the inherent in him, and pompousness. Here is one of the most famous and large "flea" markets of the city - Camdon Market, where you can buy inexpensively souvenirs, clothes, and cheap to make piercing and tattoos.

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