How to get to Belgrade?


Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla takes daily flights from many countries. Their number includes Moscow: United Aeroflot and Jat Airways flies from Domodedovo. Flying lasts about three hours. The cost strongly depends on the time of acquiring the ticket and loading of lines. It is also possible to get to Belgrade with a change in major European cities (and this can even go cheaper than the direct flight). One of the possible solutions is flight to Belgrade from Montenegro (daily flights make Montenegro Airlines and Jat Airways). Such a flight will last about an hour.

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Also in Belgrade can be reached by train, both from Montenegro and from several other European cities. The schedule can be clarified on the Serbian railway website (Page in English). From Moscow in the day there is a train 015V, departing from the Kiev Station. Such a path will take 1 day and 23 hours of time.

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Before Belgrade, it is possible to get on the car, but for this it is worth the conit of a transit Schengen visa and the necessary documents for the car. The path from Moscow will be held through Belorussia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary (a variant of laying a path through Ukraine and Romania is also possible). Motorists should take into account the fact that Serbia began to fulfill many prescriptions of the European Union, and penalties for violations may be substantial.

Public transport Belgrade is well developed, bus routes cover the entire city.

From the airport, you mostly take a taxi, but use the services of taxi drivers working at the exit of the terminal, is not recommended due to excessive prices. It is better to find out the city service number on the Internet and call it to your arrival in advance.

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