Rest in Warsaw: Useful Tips for tourists


The city with a richest history, which passed through the heavy first world war, during which more than 85% of all city buildings were destroyed, today is the capital of Poland and with joy of thousands of tourists from around the world. Warsaw was literally restored from the ash, which makes it special for tourists and travelers. On the territory of the city is simply a whole set of monuments and historical objects that should be seen.

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But today we will talk not about them, and some advice who should take into account every tourist on arrival in Majestic Warsaw, because the city is quite demanding for tourists, with their own characteristics.

1. Tourists who prefer budget accommodation, better pay attention to hotels located slightly further center. They are characterized by good living conditions, but additional services, frankly, to say quite a little in them. In the area of ​​the Central Bus Station, there is a small campsite, which is also distinguished by affordable prices.

2. When visiting excursions, it should be noted that most of them take place in Polish. Therefore, if you do not own Polish, that is, the opportunity to order an excursion in other languages, but it must be done in advance. Or get the guide to Warsaw in advance.

3. In most museums of the city, as well as chips, photos and video filming is allowed, but it is necessary to make a small fee for it. It is only necessary to consider that shooting with a flash is strictly prohibited.

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4. In Warsaw, actually, as in the whole Poland, quite a large number of fraudsters, so watch your things carefully and leave them unattended. You should also not carry with you large amounts of cash. Documents and other valuable things are desirable to leave the hotel in the hotel.

5. Travelers who are going to attend religious attractions must take into account that it is necessary to dress as modest as possible. Because tourists in the bright or open clothing can simply not miss the territory of the temples.

6. On the territory of the city there is a sufficiently large number of cafes and restaurants for family use. Therefore, tourists who want to save them better to visit them. All restaurants of this type are characterized by quite large and satisfying portions with good quality of the proposed food.

7. Lunch or dinner in local restaurants and cafes It is customary to leave the tips in the amount of about 10% of the amount of your order. In more expensive restaurants, this board is included in the price of your account automatically.

As for the tip taxists, it is not accepted in Warsaw.

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8. Public toilets in the city are paid and function only until 22:00. The exception is only WC, which are located in large shopping centers and in gastronomic establishments.

9. Arriving in Warsaw, you should know that the streets of the city reigns simply an exemplary order, for the violation of which large amounts of fines are provided. For example, garbage should be disposed only to the provided urns, and smoking is prohibited in public places.

Following all these rules and advice, you will definitely enjoy a great holiday in Warsaw.

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