What is worth viewing in Galaxidi?


Galaxidi is a small seaside town. A pleasant beach holiday place. However, there is an opportunity to diversify sea bathing by cultural and educational walks.

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In the city is Maritime Museum . It is located in the building of the ancient town hall, built in 1870. In the museum you will see ship tackles, navigation devices, it is noteworthy that all exhibits were collected directly in Galaxia. The museum has a gallery, which represents the artists - marinists.

Significant religious construction is [B] Church of St. Nicholas [/ B], the temple is made in the Byzantine style. Three vessels, two bell tower and wooden carved iconostasis in the style of Baroque.

Next door towers Chapel of St. Paraskeva built in 1848. An interesting detail of the chapel is a sundial.

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Near the city on the hill stands Monastery of the Savior . Initially, in this place was a male monastery, destroyed in the 13th century during the earthquake. The monastery was rebuilt in 1927, and now only one nun lives in it.

As the chronicle says, a historical document "Chronicle of Galaxcia" was found in Kripte the monastery, created in 1703 by the monk Eftimiam.

Stroll along the promenade of the town and pay attention to Monument to the wife of the sailor.

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Among the series of cafes and restaurants do not miss Love golden business . Here in the shop is located Museum of Rotok . Jewelry shop and craft is inherited for more than 160 years. At the very honorable place, a samovar is banging on a starchy lace napkin, and around the dance of thin porcelain cups. "Samover," as his owner calls, a valuable relic, marked by the stigm of the Tula factory of Batashev, and the date of 1870. Batashev manufacturers were awarded at the World Paris Exhibition of 1867.

The city is quiet and neat with old mansions, shady cafes.

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Walking around the city Pay attention to the original signs with street names, painted wooden shutters, door handles in the form of figures, resting on the balconies of mermaids and fishing boats in the window frames.

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