What are the interesting places worth a visit to Acapulco?


"Acapulco, Ay-Yai-Yai-Yai, Acapulco, Ay-Yai-Yay-Yai," all the songs of Lyme Vaikule know everything. But about the city of Acapulco, in fact, few. This is a port city in the Pacific Coast of Mexico, where 700 thousand people live in the area. In the 1950s, Acapulco was the most favorite resort of Hollywood movie stars and millionaires. It is impossible to say that many of our compatriots go to Acapulco. Far and expensive. But the city is beautiful, alive, cool! And that's what you can see.

Palace "Chapel of the World" (Chapel of Peace)

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The old palace was built in 1972 Godman the highest point of Acapulco - on Las Brisas. From this place there is a luxurious for the city and other mountains. Interestingly, the palace arose thanks to the initiative of True spouses who wanted to express this construction to a friend to a friend. This is a very popular landmark that has reached our day in primeval form. Every Sunday, religious services are held here, which are free entry (as well as on other days of the week). Near the palace you can see luxury gardens, as well as a huge cross 42 meters high - the locals are confident that the cross protects Acapulco from various misfortunes and troubles.

Fort San Diego (Fort San Diego)

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This fortress in the form of a turtle in the seaport of the city is classified as the main forts of the Pacific Ocean. Fort began to build in the early 17th century after another attack of pirates. Fort, which was erected half a year, limited access to Acapulco from the bay side. After construction, the fortress has not yet been reconstructed (for the last time in the early XVIII century). Inside the structure there is a weapon chamber, a barracks and a massive lifting bridge, as well as a working hospital, prison, a monastery and a historical Museum Acapulco. By the way, the museum can be advised to visit - in it thirteen halls with various expositions who will receive guests about the history of Acapulco.

Address: Calle Hornitos

Monument of Capella Submarine (Submarine Monument Chapel)

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This is the statue of the Virgin Mary Guadeloopskaya, which is located ... At the bottom of the ocean. It turned out to be here thanks to the local fishermen, who placed the statue of the three century ago. Virgo Maria Guadeloopskaya is a patroness of Mexico, and the local assures that the Virgin Mary promoted victory in war for independence. The statue can be seen from the boat with a transparent bottom. Such yachts sail daily from Caletilla Beach. This is one of the most popular excursions in the country. Moreover, most of all wishing to admire the unusual statue is found in winter. In particular, December 12, the day of the Virgin (who is celebrated very magnificently, two days), and the crowds of local residents and tourists are chosen to the statue and bring flowers and wreaths to it. In addition to trips, religious ceremonies, carnival and fireworks pass in the city.

Acapulco Cathedral (La Catedral)

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This is the chief cathedral of the city, which was erected in 1930. Interestingly, an unusual architecture has absorbed the features of modern and traditional styles, and therefore the cathedral turned out to be very beautiful. Acapulco Cathedral is smooth lines, snow-white walls, neat turrets. Definitely, this cathedral is something like a mosque. It is argued that the cathedral was built for filming, but the locals loved the beautiful original building and endowed it with a religious value. Gradually, the Cathedral began to fill with religious artifacts. And, although the inner decoration is quite modest, it can be called exquisite.

Address: Zcalo De La Ciudad, Costera Miguel Alemán

Acapulco Botanical Garden (Jardin Botanico De Acapulco)

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There is this garden at the University of Loiol de Pacific and is a place of rest of local and tourists. It seems that this is a thick rainforest with a network of paths and exotic plants (including rare and not only Mexican), for which there is great to walk. There is a feeling that these are virgin jungle, but this is not a good garden created by the hands of nerds and biologists of the city. The garden on the mountainside offers the same luxurious view of the city and the sea. There is also an amphitheater where concerts and shows are often held. Excursions are available in the park.

Address: Parque El Veladero, Universidad Loyola Del Pacfico

Mask Museum (Mask Museum)

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As you can guess, in this museum there is a collection of theatrical masks, who are in charge of visitors to the Museum on the traditions of Acapulco and Mexico in different time segments. By the way, some copies are rare and very old - some in the museum more than 500 years! Most masks are made manually. Some maxi and today are used in national ritual dances, for example, in the "Battle of Tigers" and "Maur and Christians". Museum halls thematic. Do not pass by the hall dedicated to the black population of Gerrero - Costa Chik. Entrance to the Mask Museum is paid, and in a souvenir shop you can buy small copies of museum masks and other souvenirs.

Address: Calle Morelos (close to Liceo Ibero Mexicano de Acapulco

Navy History Museum (Naval History Museum)

It is no secret that in the Middle Ages between Mexico and the Far East was active trading, and the goods naturally transported across the ocean. It is not surprising that today there is such a museum in Acapulco. It is impressive, first of all, a library of a museum with numerous books, documents and drawings. Also an interesting part of the museum-boat workshop with miniature samples of famous boats, without which the Acapulco's maritime history. Located a museum in the mall.

Address: Calle Mateo Mauri 19 (Costa Azul)

Abraham Ramrez Gallery (Gallery Abraham Ramrez)

This is one of the most famous art galleries Acapulco. In several halls of the museum there are a variety of art objects. For example, there is a lounge of sculpture with luxurious bronze and clay products. In another hall, admire the paintings made by watercolor or butter. Almost all work belongs to modern Mexican masters. Very interesting hall of artists-modernist artists. Impressive and the hall with sculptures and pictures of Abraham Ramires, as well as look at the utility room of this artist and see how sculptures are created. The art gallery works daily.

Address: Costera Miguel Alemn, 127

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