Ah, beautiful Livadia, what happened to you ...


Livadia is beautiful with its wonderful climate, excellent nature and the Livadia Palace. For lovers of light and beach holidays is a wonderful place. Many pebble beaches (free and paid) and pretty clean, even compared with the same yalta.

Of course, the focus, we paid the famous royal palace. At first, we walked, near him and admired an excellent architectural idea, a white very beautiful palace. Around green lawns, palm trees, flowerbeds.

Ah, beautiful Livadia, what happened to you ... 9056_1

In the air, twist, calm and measured life of Livadia. Taking an excursion and looked around the rooms of the palace, the impressions remained twofold. Of course, it was fascinating and it was worth it, but for the second time, I would not go. Pretty boring and monotonous tours of the guide, called sleep.

The famous "royal trail", remained only, in a beautiful title, because no one cares for the Park, all overgrown and a special impression on us, did not produce. Here is such a wonderful look from the trail on the Yalta coast:

Ah, beautiful Livadia, what happened to you ... 9056_2

Go constantly down on a huge number of steps, it is very difficult and you need to be physically prepared, and not take with you little children. For some reason, the aromas, walking along the path, are far from pleasant and it can be seen that people will handle the need for bushes ... But, this is already the peculiarity of our people.

In principle, the memories remained pretty pleasant and about the rest in Livadia, I do not regret. But I would like, of course, more than the best service and proper care, for such well-known, architectural monuments.

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