Petrozavodsk food: prices where to eat?


Karelia - Northern Earth, rich in fish and darities of the forest. Therefore, when visiting this republic, it is necessary to try the dishes of national cuisines - Karelian and Veps. They differ significantly from Finnish and impressive with their dishes.

The most famous symbol of Karelia is the wickets (Kalitat) - potato pies made of rye test in the form of a rook. They are an unchanged decoration of the table on any Karelian holiday or a feast, and the mystery of the recipe of real wickets is transmitted from generation to generation.

Petrozavodsk food: prices where to eat? 9038_1

Fish and fish (Kalakukuk) are very popular here from various types of fish, in abundance watering in lakes and rivers. Rybirds are both closed and open. Everyone who grown in Karelia knows and appreciates this delicacy.

Fish is fry, knit, dried, boiled, salted. There is even a special, inter-face fish, something resembling Swedish surmming - the so-called fish with a fusion. Eating her with hot potatoes, frozen as strikanin. Careful with this dish, it will have to taste far from everyone!

Lucky is very tasty and popular. In Karelia, it is done in water, in a deep frying pan with potatoes, onions and unrefined sunflower oil. Once I tried the ripple, it will not be forgotten!

Petrozavodsk food: prices where to eat? 9038_2

Forests are rich in berries and mushrooms. Collect a lingonberry, cranberry, blueberries. It is especially valued by the closure. It is hard to collect her enough, so each mining berry responds with fatigue in the back! The clogber is harvested with hands: it is soft and combines for it are not suitable. From all these berries make jams and jams that can be purchased in Petrozavodsk.

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It is worth paying special attention to national restaurants in Petrozavodsk. They are not so much and much, and I do not want to advertise some of them, but be sure to visit and try this Karelian cuisine - the spirit and strength of the north live in it!

Petrozavodsk prices on average differ little from prices in Russia. You can eat quickly in any of the many cafes located on the central street - Lenin Avenue. Recently, McDonalds opened there, and he is very popular among the population.

But the original Karelian cuisine is still better to try in the outback - in the yarn, sorted, the Kondopoga ... As a rule, tourists come to Petrozavodsk, then go deep into the republic, so everyone has a chance to try amazing dishes in ancient, as well as herself Karelian land, recipes.

You can easily be called one of the characters of Karelia and Karelian balm, many decades produced at the local liquor plant. It is made on the basis of a huge amount of herbs, and it is not recommended to drink it in pure form, but adding a tea spoon in tea. The best remedy for cold!

You can easily be called one of the characters of Karelia and Karelian balm, many decades produced at the local liquor plant. It is made on the basis of a huge amount of herbs, and it is not recommended to drink it in pure form, but adding a tea spoon in tea. The best remedy for cold!

Delicious holiday in Karelia! Terveh Tuloa!

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