Useful information about the rest in Debrecen.


Debrecen is less popular among Russian tourists, rather than the capital of Hungary - Budapest, but without visiting this city to understand the culture and life of Hungarians, it is not possible. And if you came to Hungary, then visit this large on European standards and a small in the Russian city is necessary, especially, that this is one of the most famous Balneological resorts of Eastern Europe. However, whatever the trip has been successful, it makes sense to know some of the features and nuances of the local lifestyle, so that nothing could overshadow stay in Debrecen.

Useful information about the rest in Debrecen. 9031_1

Debrecen University city, and as a result of this, the level of english penetration among the population is very high. In almost all hotels and large restaurants there will always be an employee who knows English at a rather good level. So if your language knowledge is at least at high school levels, communication problems will not arise. The townspeople themselves (especially indigenous) are quite positive and friendly people, sincerely proud of their city and his cultural heritage. In this regard, the criticism of something relating to Debrecen is simply unacceptable. This will cause a candid offense at the criticism.

Useful information about the rest in Debrecen. 9031_2

Tips in Debrecen leave accepted, as in all Hungary. As a rule, the amount of gratitude for the service is 10 percent of the account amount, but if everything really liked it, you can give more. It will be accepted with gratitude. In the case of taxi drivers, it is simply rounded the amount of payment in the big face. By the way, a taxi in Debrecen is not customary to catch out on the street. They are either called by telephone, or take on parking lots, which are a lot in the city. Although by and large, all the main sights of the city are within walking distance and what would be better to penetrate the spirit of debt rolling on it better to make a foot.

Previously, calling from Debrecen to Russia was best of the city telephone vehicles, but more recently, almost all major cellular operators of Russia began to offer its customers additional packages of services that make roaming calls (subject to certain conditions) more profitable than the use of payphones. The main thing before the trip do not forget to include these options. No problems and access to the Internet. In many hotels in the city, it is provided either for free or for very symbolic money.

Useful information about the rest in Debrecen. 9031_3

In mandatory, before the trip, you need to purchase medical insurance, because if something God will happen, then only the first emergency help will be free. All further medical manipulations will be carried out only for money, if not small.

Smokers need to be more closely, because in the city there are relative tough legislation on the topic of combating smoking. It is forbidden to smoke in all public places (stops, offices, next to children's gardens and schools). In restaurants and cafes, you can smoke only in special places, but does not serve drinks or food there. As a rule, this kind of place is indicated by pictograms. In some hotels in the city (better clarify) there are rooms for smokers.

Useful information about the rest in Debrecen. 9031_4

From the point of view of security, Debrecen is a calm and quiet city and even night walks in the city center are safe, but it is only in the center. On the outskirts, as in principle and everywhere, happens anything. It is worthwhile only only by small fraud, for example, when exchanging currency with hands, which is sometimes offered, but what should not be done or pocket theft. So it is better not to wear documents with you (enough photocopies) and large amounts of money. It is better to leave them in the hotel's safe.

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