Where to go with children in Edinburgh?


Planning a trip with the child abroad, you need to solve several quite important issues in advance. For example, you need to choose the hotel suitable for the whole family, take care of the movement means within the city and, of course, think about where you will walk with children and how you will entertain them. By the way about the last, here is a list of seats in Edinburgh, which can be included in your plans.

Edinburgh Castle (Edinburgh Castle)

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One of the main attractions of the city. This castle is more than a thousand years old, and therefore it is easy to understand why he come here more than a million visitors per year. Children will like this castle. And if they find out that the castle is located on the top of the castle cliff, extinct volcano (do not worry, he has not been erupted already more than 350 million years old). Visit with them different halls of the castle and the chapel of St. Margarita. And do not miss the action of the "hour cannon" (one O'Clock Gun), which daily, except resurrection, passionate Friday and Christmas, shoots exactly an hour.

Address: Castle Hill

Entrance: adults (from 16 to 59 years old) - £ 16, children (from 5 to 15 years old) - £ 9.60, adults (60 +) - £ 12.80, children under 5 years old

Schedule: Summer (April 1 - September 30): From 9:30 am to 6 pm; Winter (from October 1 to March 31): from 9:30 am to 5 pm. Tickets sell an hour before closing.

National Military Museum (National War Museum)

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Most likely, in this museum it is worth going, if you have boys. But both girls may like the museum too. Actually, this museum is located in the Edinburgh Castle. The museum can be admired by military form, medals and equipment, military decorations, weapons, paintings, ceramics and silver, in general, everything that is somehow connected with the military history of Scotland, from the world-famous military events to the daily lives of the Scottish military personnel. The crowd, in the museum there are a number of interesting photos from private pictures of military, personal diaries and official documents (well, it is probably an adult will only be interesting). Museum store in the National Military Museum will offer a variety of souvenirs for all ages. For example, you can buy small models of handmade aircraft or military figures. Paradise for boys! For adults, a large selection of books, video and musical CDs, which reflect the military history of Scotland.

"Camera-obscura and world of illusions" (Camera Obscura and World of Illusions)

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This is the Old Museum in the central part of the Old Town of Edinburgh, which is devoted to the optical illusions and a little history of the city. The main part of the museum is a massive acting camera-obscura 19th century. Who is not aware of the camera-obscura-pro-prototype of the camera, something like a box with a small hole in the wall, which is the lens. This is the most interesting device, the progenitor of modern devices, you will come to see. In addition, you can admire the Old Town from the viewing sites of the Tower of the Museum building in a pseudo-styled style. Also in the four-storey tower, look at the "world of illusions" - an exhibition dedicated to optical and color illusions. In general, the place is extremely interesting! It can be said, this is "Mast-Si" Edinburgh in any case, with or without children.

Address: 549 Castlehill

FILMHOUSE CINEMA cinema center

In response to numerous requests, FilmHouse introduced a new series of cartoons for children aged 2-5 years. Every second Sunday and Monday in this center are special films for children of this age, and at this time parents and guardians can relax a little. Of course, the film is in English, but the smallest will fit. Tickets are very reasonable. By the way, these shows are very popular now, so you have to either book places or come early to take place.

Address: 88 Lothian Road

Login: £ 2

Tupik Mary King (Mary King's Close)

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This is an underground street in the center of Edinburgh, on the Royal Mile, named after the owner of several houses in this place. The street appeared somewhere in the XVI century, but two centuries later the city administration needed to build a new building in this place, and the street was partially destroyed and closed. In short, turned into a foundation for a new building. After that, for a very long time, this place was inaccessible for people, and therefore began to figure out all sorts of gloomy legends. Some kind of medium, entering the construction, began to argue that there is a flammable soul of the girl who threw here to die from the plague. Since then, all tourists and locals are dragging into the underground doll street and toys. The museum can be found about how Edinburgh residents lived in 16-19 centuries. It is better to take a guide with you, which will tell that yes as. It is better not to take particularly impressionable and children there, although there is nothing terrible here, of course, except for wax mannequins.

Address: 2 Warrists Close, High Street

Entrance: adults £ 12.75, children (from 5 to 15 years old) - £ 7.25

Work schedule: November 1 - March 29: Sunday-Thursday, from 10.00 to 17.00; on Friday and Saturday - from 10.00 to 21.00; March 30 to October 31: from Monday to Sunday -C 10 to 21.00

Edinburgh Dungeons Dungeons

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The place is not for small or nervous. Already the traditional type of entertainment, there is a fear room in Edinburgh. She offers a stroll through the dark past of Scotland and learn about the most brutal serial killers and their bloody methods of violence! The tour lasts about one and a half hours, during which you and your children will laugh and scream from fear. Book tickets on the Internet to get small discounts.

Address: 31 Market Street

Entrance: adults (16 years +) - £ 16.50, children (up to 15 years) - £ 12.60, a family of 4 people (2 adults and 2 children) - £ 49.80.

Work schedule: from 10 am to 5 pm daily, with the exception of Christmas.

Museum of Childhood (Museum of Childhood)

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Where to go with children in Edinburgh? 9007_14

The world's first museum dedicated to the history of childhood represents everything related to children - from toys and games to school education of different generations. Children will be delighted, envy numerous dolls, trains and pedal cars. ChildS will be able to even change clothes into different costumes and play. Adults will be able to briefly return to childhood in this cute museum.


Login: Free (but donations are welcome)

Schedule: From Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm, on Sunday from 12 days to 5 pm.

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