Two impression from Melbourne.


The best time for a trip to Australia, do not believe the winter when we are on the blizzard and fooling the blizzard, here the midst of the summer season and warms it affectionate with its sun rays. And all, because Australia is very far from our edges, you can say almost on the edge of the world.

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The most cultural, cheerful and just a bunny city in Australia, this is the capital - Melbourne.

Here you can always meet the rich students, street musicians, urban crazy and other colorful and interesting people, a clear feeling of a permanent holiday is created, the charge of positive emotions you are guaranteed to find more just here - in Melbourne.

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But I immediately want to note that rest in Melbourne is unrealily expensive, the passage of transport also costs, to put it mildly, not cheap, so it's not profitable to visit the sights at all, it is better to take a sightseeing tour, it turns out cheaper.

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Although the main sights of Melbourne are located in the center close to each other, but also have other districts to see.

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Of course, the city is very beautiful and magnificent, the highest mirror skyscrapers, well-kept and well-maintained parks, cozy open terraces and everything in such a spirit.

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All the immense beauty can be seen from the observation deck of the "Eureka" tower where you are brought by an ultra-speed elevator. Another trick of the tower, which causes a wild delight among tourists - a retractable glass cube, so a person not only enjoys the views of the city ahead, but also overlooking the bottom, because the floor in Cuba is also made of durable glass.

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Another amazing chip of Melbourne, free grills in almost any park, where a person buying meat or sausages on the market or shop, can make it absolutely free to cook him on the grill, so having a small picnic, gorgeous, isn't it?

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Another pretty landmark of the capital of Australia, which I just can not share - opossums. When the night fall over Melbourne, they can be seen in any park and even feed, they are practically hand here. In hand, of course, they are not given, but treats are taken with pleasure.

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Since there are not much attractions in other tourist countries, people depart for 120 kilometers from the city in Park - Reserve Philip Island. Here, a separate zone of the reserve, where they live in the habitat familiar to them and please the Koala tourist eye. Wombat Forest, where, by the way, you can also see a variety of birds, a symbol of Australia Kangaroo and many other funny little animals, of course, if you are lucky, because it is still not a zoo and in such a matter you need to be patient and have a temper eye.

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At the end of this exciting, as the travel agencies of the travel agencies promise, they are waiting for sea seals and a little further Penguin parade. Behind the sea cats are observed with specifically for this installed binoculars, however, it is also not free. But to get closer to the searches of the cattle, you will have to upset and buy a boat ticket that sails as much as possible for a better review.

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As for the Penguin parade, I can say with complete confidence that the goal does not justify the means, just a beautiful name and lubrication of tourists. So, by and large, the game is not worth the game, it is better to sunbathe on the warm sun.

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