Rest in Spanish Resort San Sebastian City


Rest in Spanish Resort San Sebastian City 8987_1

In April, he visited a small resort town in Spain San Sebastian. This is an amazing place, leaving from which I did not want to be completely. It is located on the coast of the Biscay Bay on the one hand, and on the other hand it is surrounded by mighty cliffs.

San Sebastian Streets are small, clean and very bright, which is immediately striking. Along roads, as we have birch and pines, powerful palm trees grow there. Despite the fact that I went to Northern Spain in early April, I can not leave awkwardly warm spring air. Yes, and water in the bay by noon warms up enough in order to safely be able to swim.

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One of the main attractions of this cozy city is the huge sculpture of Christ. Many women probably remember still from Mexican TV shows the same. This sculpture towers on one of the rocks right at the shore of the bay, in a bay having a shape of a huge shell. There, on a rock next to the sculpture, La Moth castle is located. I have not happened in him, alas.

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I had only 24 hours to get acquainted with San Sebastian, and therefore I did not lose the gap time, and went to review local attractions. The Cathedral of Ben-Pastor struck me. He is powerful, ancient, accused by wild grapes, and you know ... has a powerful energy. In any case, I probably stood, from half an hour in one place, not deciding to even retreat from him.

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In the evening went for a walk along the city itself. Since the Sieste rule is strictly observed in Spain, all shops were already closed very early. To buy souvenirs failed, but it turned out to try young rose wine - the pride of Spain. This was really real wine that does not go to any comparison with what is sold in our stores. Sunset met on Mount Shando. There is a stunning view of the bay and the city itself. When the lights are lit in houses, the waves are splashing at the bottom, and a weak warm wind blows in the face - I want to forget about all the problems, and just enjoy life!

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The next day I needed to fly away, and I went to Pamplona - the city near San Sebastian, where there is an airport. But since my flight was canceled, I had to stay and there for almost a day. Pamplona can not be called the spa sea city, but I still want to say about her a few words. I stopped in an old hotel where Hemingway lived at his time (in the photo - view of the area of ​​the hotel, by the way). This is an amazing vintage city with narrow streets, paving a paving slave. For those villages annually drive bulls during the Corrida, and there can also be observed what is so lacking in our cities - folk unity. Despite the civilian cold war between the Spaniards and Basques, the people live here very together. I have become a witness of how the young guy tragically accidentally died. And after a few hours later, the square in the city center came out, probably the whole city to just say goodbye to him. I thought it happens only in films. There were no damage, there were no lack of emotions. People went to the square, and who simply played a sad song in his honor on the guitars who sang ... And as the final chord, the shower of the wall ran in a minute ago. Here is such this interesting town!

Rest in Spanish Resort San Sebastian City 8987_6

The impressions of Spain, despite such a short rest in it, do not fit in one after review. But if you say a few words about my visit to San Sebastian, I will note the friendliness and humans of the locals, the permanent atmosphere of the holiday, an amazing spicy aroma of air and an unforgettable warm wind at sunset of the day. There is worth going if there is a desire to move away from the usual fuss.

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