What should I see in Varanasi?


Varanasi City of the region in Northeast India. This city for the Indians has the same meaning as the Vatican for Catholics. The place is considered a holy city for Buddhists and Jainists. Population of Varanasi is almost one and a half million people. The city is interesting, beautiful, noisy. And that's what you can see.

University in Varanasi (Banaras Hindu University)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_1

The University of Hinduism was opened in 1916. Today, this university is classified as one of the best universities of India, and since the University building is beautiful, then this is one of the main attractions of Varanasi. In that school, approximately 15,000 students are studying, as well as the university is a platform for students and young scientists from all over the world. The university building is huge - for example, the main campus is located on the square of 5.5 sq. Km. Inside the University building is a museum that will be not expensive to tourists. The museum offers exposure from 150,000 ancient manuscripts written in Sanskrit, as well as magnificent collections of sculptures and miniatures dating from the I - XV century.

Durga Temple (Shri Durgatemple)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_2

This is one of the most popular temples in the city. The cathedral was built in honor of the goddess Durga, Siva's spouses (according to some opinions). It is believed that the goddess guards the temple for many centuries and protects the entire city from the attack. As well as Durga is considered the embodiment of female strength. The statue of the goddess in red robe on a tiger can also be seen in the temple. The temple was erected in the 13th century by Bengal Maharani in the style of Nagar (Indian style of temple architecture). The temple with red walls and a multi-level spire is located in a beautiful place, and the rectangular pool of Durga Kund is adjacent to it. The building is impressive, you need to say! By the way, the temple is also known as the "monkey temple", because next to the temple is constantly climbing and running the monkeys who swear food to tourists. Thousands of pilgrims come to this temple during Navararatri and not only.

Address: 27, Durgakund Rd, Jawahar Nagar Colony, Birdopur

Kashi Vishwanath Temple (Kashi Vishwanath Temple)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_3

Shive church is located on one of the narrow urban streets, in the town called Vishvanat Gali. The temple from all sides is surrounded by houses, and it is first possible to even pass by, without noticing. Another moment: the foreigners are difficult to get into the temple, but it is worth trying. Beautiful temple with a golden roof is impressive. If they did not fall into the temple, at least climb on the third floor of a nearby store. The shrine of the temple - Lingam Adi Visheshwara is located in a silver deepening in the semi 60 centimeters deep and 90 centimeters around the circumference, and it is always decorated with flowers, and around him-sisterny cobra. The temple consists of several small temples near the river - the temples of Dhandapani, aircraft, Vinaka, Virupakshi and other deities.

Mosque Avrangzeb (Avrangzeb Mosque)

This is the biggest mosque in Varanasi. It can be found in the eastern part of the city. This mosque was built in 1669 in honor of Triumph Islam over brahmanism. After a century, the building was reconstructed. The building looks a little gloomy. The mosque has a square and three dome supported by columns. Interestingly, the mosque is beautiful acoustics. Also in the mosque, you can visit the viewing platform from which the luxurious view of the city and the surrounding area offers.

Art Gallery in Varanasi (Banaras Art Gallery)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_4

The gallery is open in 1988 and consists of four halls that are interconnected. About 50,000 exhibits can be seen in the gallery, namely, the pictures of young local artists.

Address: Shiv Shakti Complex, Lanka, Sigra

Temple Bharat Mata (Bharat Mata Mandir)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_5

The temple was built in 1936. The temple is known especially after the inauguration ceremony of Mahatma Gandhi was held here, one of the leaders of the independence of India from the UK. This is the only temple dedicated to Mother India, which is depicted in the form of a woman in yellow or orange sari with a country flag. This statue of marble can be seen inside the temple. It is also impressive as a huge embossed card that covers the entire Indian subcontinent and Tibetan plateau. This plateau is very interesting to study - all the mountains and rivers are clearly visible.

The ancient city of Vaisali

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_6

The ancient city of Vaisali is one of the sacred places that is revered by Buddhists. Here you can see a 18 meter column, topped with a statue of a lion in a natural value. The ancient temple of the 4th century, created from black stone, which is dedicated to Shiva to God, as well as the temple with a lot of deities, an artificial pond for religious ablutions and a Buddhist monastery. It is believed that Buddha stopped three times in this city to speak with the last sermon. In the vicinity of the ancient city, two burials of the remains of the Buddha were found - Buddha Stupes.

Sarnath (Sarnath)

What should I see in Varanasi? 8983_7

The suburb of Sarnath is a 15-minute drive from the city center. This place of Buddhists consider the sacred, as the Buddha said here his first sermon about four noble truths. Previously, this place was called Mrigadaw (deer Park). And all because there is a legend, according to which deer also came to listen to the speech of the Buddha. Therefore, today on the roofs of houses you can see the figures of deer. On the site, where the first sermon was pronounced, you can see the stupas - "Lion's capita" (coat of arms of India), Dharmarajic, Canishe and Guptes, Dhamekh. Also in this suburb there is an archaeological museum with expositions of sculptures and relics, which were found in the city and the surrounding area. The most important pride of the museum is a statue of the meditating Buddha, which is attributed to the 6th century of our era.

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