Vacation in Jurmala, on the beach of Dzintari


Vacation in Jurmala, on the beach of Dzintari 8978_1

In July last year, the family decided to spend a vacation in the Baltic States, in Jurmala. Chose this resort city not enough - a long time ago, from childhood, there were no. Jurmala has changed much. Now this is a real European city, with all its charms. Beaches are comfortable, free. But there are many different attractions for adults, as well as for children. For them, naturally, you need to pay. The cost of resting a day (purely on the beach, with a visit to the bar, attractions and the purchase of baubles) per person - about 2000r. But believe me, it is worth it! Mass of pleasures from a magnificent service service in restaurants / cafes! Excellent attractions, the ability to take pictures with exotic animals ... From the pier in Dzintari, a motor ship is departed, where you can get to Riga on the river in minutes 45. Also an interesting journey, but it's not expensive.

Vacation in Jurmala, on the beach of Dzintari 8978_2

Still, for many it will be important, I want to note the fact of the presence of the stars of the Russian pop. Actors, singers, dancers - they are all calmly walk in Mayori (the main alley in Dzintari), greet with their fans, mix with a common crowd. And no official is all equal. In July, there are various festivals! Well, about a new wave, musical kiwin, Jurmala, everyone heard. But there is there both the festival of blondes (a fun spectacle, when crowds of blondes dressed in pink dresses run, compete in different contests). Another interesting was the retaroid festival. Machines and from Russia, and from the European countries, drove so proudly in Jurmala. It was possible to take pictures with them even. It is said that all these festivals in Jurmala annual.

Vacation in Jurmala, on the beach of Dzintari 8978_3

On the beach itself, you can note the possibility of enough cheap (cheaper than on the Black Sea) to ride catamarans, a water bike, and such an inflatable bowl, inside of which a person is located. The weather did not let down. The heat stood the same as during the season in the same Greece or Spain! There was little rainy, and they were all at night, and the sun was shone again. We spent 2.5 weeks in Jurmala. They remained more than satisfied with the impression of rest. Probably go again there in a year.

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