What should I see in Yasin?


Tourists who come to vacation in Yasina in different porants of the year set themselves the goals of a break from urban fuss, to improve health, actively spend time and of course, get acquainted with the new historical and natural attractions of this edge. The village is located in a picturesque valley between Chernogorsk and Svidovo Range, so a great opportunity to visit the tourist both independently and as part of an organized group to visit Mount Goverlo - the highest point of Ukraine, Mount Petros, the journal, stack. Since these objects are from the village of 15 km of accessibility, we will take them to the category of not excursion (where you need to get in the order of 100 km), and publicly available for vacationers in Yasin. I want to note that there are several route options for your chosen mountain, depending on the degree of preparation, age or the presence of children. Usually, lighter routes have a slightly greater length, but a gentle rise and descent, which offer stunning landscapes to the Carpathian Mountains. The village of Yasina is pretty an ancient settlement founded in 1583, as evidenced by written mentions that have survived to this day in the museum. In any time of the year you did not arrive, you can always find a lesson in the soul and open something interesting for yourself.

The most interesting thing in the village of Yasin and its surroundings

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- Local Lore Museum - Here, tourists can fully familiarize themselves with the life, traditions, kitchen, craft, local heroes, natural attractions of the beautiful Transcarpathian region and the ancient village of Yasin. A hike in the museum will be interesting not only for adults, but also for children.

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- Strukovskaya church "One of the oldest shrines is not only in Yasina, but also the Carpathians in general, the structure is almost 450 years old, and each tourist who arrived in the village visits it.

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- Mount Petros - The village of Yasinya is located at the foot of the most beautiful Montenegrin ridge, which begins with Mount Petros. Hiking here is planning to plan in good weather, so as not to get off the way and see all the beauties. I recommend to go out early in the morning. After all, ahead of you is waiting for the picturesque 11 km-wow. From the station should go to the center of the village east along the pavement road, reaching the Chorny Tis River, the road dispels, you need to stick to the right side towards Lopushanka. Passing the village, it is about 3 km, the road will gradually change to the soil country. Make sure that the river always proceeds from you. Passing the last residential buildings, go to the river, now it will be from Lev from you. The path is rapidly entering the forest and ride uphill. Passing a little, you will find yourself on the meadow with a pair of a house, there is a stream with delicious drinking water, this is the last place where it is possible to replenish its reserves before lifting to Petros. Further, as such a trail is lost and you need to ride the traverse, bypassing the blueberry bushes. If you ride in the season, you can widget a delicious and useful berries.

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And now you are already on the ridge, be careful, since under your feet there may be live stones, you can inappropriate and dislocate ankle. After passing a few small slides, the last rapid rise to Petros will begin.

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From the tops there are stunning views, in good weather, Mount Goverla is visible. This is not a rush pace, you will find yourself at 13.00 on Petros. Next, you can walk on Hoverla, if the night is planned in the tents or leave it for another walk.

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- Mount Goverla - The highest point of Ukraine, almost every tourist who came to the Carpathians, puts himself for the goal to climb to the top. The trails are leading like a thicket (high-mountainous tourist shelter), this is the Ivano-Frank Oblast, and from Yasiny through Petros, this is the Transcarpathian region, and there and there are trails of varying degrees of complexity. But in general, with a stable health, moderate physical training, good weather and not walking with a walk, Goverlo is torn from Mala to Great, enjoying the mountain crystalline air and stunning views of the Montenegrin ridge.

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If you are, for the first time you plan to go to the mountains, be sure to take the guide of the conductor in the village of Yasin, who will be happy to answer all the questions that have arisen, and they will definitely have them, since each 50 past meters will open views of new Verses, valleys and ridges.

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For tourists with tents, Yasina will become an excellent transshipment point, but for tourists Lights, you will have to hire a transfer that will take you to the top of the mountain, which is located in 17 km southeast village.

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- Mountain nearby - No less popular among tourists than Mount Goverla. Since it has a lot of both winter and summer tourist routes, many tourists, vacationers in Yasina, are laid, many tourists who are visible in their active program. If Mount Petros and Hoverla belong to the Montenegrin Range, then the nearsee is part of the Svidovo Range in the valley of which the village of Yasin is located. The mountain consists of two vertices, the people are called not as near, but as twins. Its highest point is 1883 m above sea level, making the climate at the top of a less severe in relation to the previous mountains.

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And of course, has its own beautiful legend of unrequited love and searching for Flower Edelweiss.

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There is an opinion that the flower listed in the Red Book of Ukraine is growing on this couny grief, but I can say as a traveler with experience, that this is just a beautiful legend for tourists, the edelweices of early spring can be found in the Carpathian mountains everywhere at a certain height. Close, popular not only in summer among hiking, but also in winter among skiers and snowboarders. By selecting the appropriate route for climbing, and overcoming it is not a rush of a pleasure tempo, from the tops you will open endless expanses, and beautiful mountain ranges.

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Also, local guides may offer you a walk on the lakes of the Svidovetsky Range or visit one of the most mysterious and mystical lakes of the Montenegrin Range - Lake Nesamenovit.

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As you can see, in the village of Yasinya from what can and need to look - it is the most beautiful mountains that surround it! Whatever your walk has been without adventure, take care of the upper clothes, raincoat, comfortable shoes, the availability of drinking water, matches, camera and a charged mobile phone. Before going to the mountains, be sure to specify the weather forecast, there are cases when visibility drops to 1 m, and here only an experienced guide or an instructor will help.

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