Where to go to Cebu and what to see?


For many tourists Cebu becomes a transit point while traveling through the Philippines. By coincidence, time to get acquainted with the city and his remarkable places near holidaymakers is practically not found. Some themselves consciously deprive themselves to get acquainted with the native culture and the residues of the heritage of Spanish conquistadors. All this is due to the fact that they listen to the erroneous opinion that in Cebu allegedly nothing to see.

The initial impression of Cebu can really be frightening and negative. Poverty and poverty rushing into the eyes, it is only worth going outside the airport towards Cebu. However, being in the city and in the middle of seeing the famous places your opinion, I hope, will change in the opposite direction.

Contrary to everything, Cebu Island is a major cultural center that plays a major role in the history of the Philippines. It was in this part of the country to Fernan Magellan stepped on the Philippine Earth. At its landing, it is now located the most famous sight of Cebu - Magellan Cross (Magellan's Cross) . He is stored in a small octagonal chapel on Magellanos Street Street opposite the city administration. According to local residents, the cross was established by the navigator himself in memory of a significant event - the emergence of Christianity and people from the West in the Philippines.

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Since healing magic properties are attributed to this monument, it is stored in a wooden case. Information about this can be found on the plate in the center of the chapel at the base of the cross. Thus, the cross is trying to protect against those who want to break a piece of them on the memory and from those who crave to have at home the part of his healing forces. Instead, everyone is invited to leave a cross from the foot of the cross or light a candle.

Another place related to the Great Magelflan deserves attention and visits - Basilica and Museum of Santo Niño (The Minor Basilica of The Santo Nino) . Basilica is within walking distance of Magellan's Cross on Ostnamn Street. Previously, she was known as the Church of St. Augustine and was a construction of clay and wood. Now visitors can admire the original structure combining three architectural styles: neoclassical, Muslim and Romanesque. The facade of the Basilica intends to be preserved in the original natural color to impart simplicity and elegance. The popularity of the church brought the statuette of the holy infant of Jesus. She was donated by the Magellan Queen by Juana and the King Humabon after the adoption of Christianity. Cebu residents believe that the presented image will be removed into confrontation with Muslims and Portuguese. The miraculous statuette for universal review is exhibited behind the glass on the left in the Altar area. Visit Basilica you can be free.

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At the Basilica, a pilgrimage center was built, in the basement of which travelers can visit a small museum. Its exhibits are part of the history of the Christianization of the island. Among the antique things and associated with the religion of visitors are waiting for a collection of toys, presented as a gift to a small Jesus.

Museum works in all days except Wednesday from 8:00 to 16:45. The break begins at 11:45 and lasts until 13:30. Inspect the collection of the museum you can buy an adult ticket for 30 peso and a children's ticket for 10 pesos. In the southern wing of Basilica there is a museum selling religious accessories.

It will be interesting to walk on a small but old Fort San Pedro (Fort San Pedro ). Not so long ago, he was renovated and his inner courtyards, drowning in greenery and colors, now look very well-keeled.

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Fort walls have a six-meter height and reach two and a half meters in thickness. For them, you can walk and touch the guns installed on the walls. Also on top opens a wonderful view of the Independence Square. Perhaps this is not the most beautiful fort in the world, but his triangular shape and historical value attracts tourists. Inside the bastion runs the theater in the open air and is a small museum.

Visit Fort can be every day from 8:00 to 20:00. A ticket for an adult costs 50 pesos, a children's ticket will cost 20 pesos.

Closer to twilight you can take a walk along the street Oreman and look at the highlighted building Capitolia . The unusual u-shaped structure in the evening looks especially romantic. Its facade decorates the cornice with sculptures in the corners.

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After that, if the strength and desire remained, you can go to Colon street . This one of the oldest streets of the city in the evening time turns into a colorful and noisy market with all sorts of Philippine souvenirs and delicacies. Tourists come here to simplify the fun traders and their unusual goods. Shopping on the night market Few people are engaged.

In the prestigious region Cebu Beverly Hills, there is another favorite tourist location - Taoist Temple Cebu Taoist Temple . To admire the unmatched panorama of the city, to see dragons and colorful mosaics can be used by the Chinese community of Cebu, which initiated the creation of this remarkable place. The temple flashes on the hill, and you can get 81 steps to it. Visit this place may absolutely all regardless of religion. Inside the temple is forbidden to take pictures, but interesting elements in the form of dragons and tigers sufficiently and outside. Inside the building includes completely with other purposes - pray or ask questions. The answer to the urgent question can be obtained using wooden storces that rush to the floor. However, before this it is necessary to wash your hands, enter the barefoot in the temple and light the aromatic wand. Then you should bow my knee and pray, after which you can ask questions and throw a plank. The answer is considered positive when both lumps fall smooth and round up.

At the very top of the temple, the well of desires hides. They say if to whisper the most cherished desire in the well, then it will surely come true. In addition, a beautiful view of the city opens from above.

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Come to the temple best in the morning or closer to the evening. During this place is crowded and very hot. It is worth grabping water, especially tourists with children, because there are no shops and cafes on the territory of the temple.

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