Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost?



1) Restaurant "AN-2" , ul. Plekhanovskaya, 8 - is this institution in the very center of the city, which is a very convenient point for tourists who prefer rest to the highest category. It is in this restaurant that you can taste exquisite dishes - a wide range, presented in the menu, will satisfy the tastes of the most experienced gourmet. Cooks please guests with culinary masterpieces of Georgian, European, Russian, as well as Italian cuisines. The highlight of the restaurant is dishes cooked on the grill, in front of the flavors of which are simply impossible to resist. Even those who are not particularly hungry, taking this magnificent smell, involuntarily takes off the menu in search of dishes on the grill. Nicely pleases the eye design of the interior in the style of Modern, the development of which was engaged in a talented Kharkov designer. The restaurant will also be able to surprise with high-quality service and maintenance, which is important for a comfortable stay.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_1

Mode of operation: from 08.00 to 22.00.

The average cost of a check: 100 - 150 UAH.

2) Restaurant "PANORAMA LOUNGE" , Per. Costyurian, 2 (Palladium shopping center, 5th floor) - a distinctive feature of this institution is truly a truly huge selection of yokes for every taste and wallet. Little where you can see so many positions in the menu concentrated under the same roof. Here will be cozy to relax lovers of Ukrainian, European, Mexican, Japanese, Italian cuisines. Special attention was paid to the owners of the formulation of the children's menu, which makes the pastime with the kids in this institution warm and colorful. Also amazing the guests of the chef love copyrighted dishes, the demand for which in this institution is very great. It is worth noting that the day this place meets all the standards of the restaurant business, but in the evening the institution is reincarnated into a romantic and mysterious lounge, which loved couples so much. From the fifth floor, on which the restaurant is located, offers amazing beauty, view of Kharkov, which makes it possible to get acquainted with the city from a bird's-eye view.

Mode of operation: round the clock

The average cost of a check: 150 - 250 UAH.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_2

3) Restaurant "Familia" , ul. Hypnik, 14 - and - is in the heart of Old Kharkov. Open places were dedicated to the anniversary of the foundation of Kharkiv restaurants and the basis of its functioning is the familiarization with the gastronomic traditions of the city. The chef recreated the menu on the ancient recipes of Kharkiv restaurants, which complement Russian, French, Italian dishes. The establishment consists of the main hall in which 28 people can accommodate; The family hall for 16 guests, private rooms for 8 and 6 people, as well as the raisins of the entire restaurant - the summer garden, in which 48 guests can be gathered.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_3

The main values ​​of the institution are the orientation of the client, honesty, the provision of the best services, dedication, teamwork and efficiency. An interior and high-quality service in combination with exquisite cuisine make this restaurant one of the best in Kharkov.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_4

Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00

The average cost of a check: 250 - 400 UAH.


1) Cafe "Cinema" , ul. Pushkinskaya, 22 is a mixed type establishment, in which free-Flo Flot and high-quality services for waiters are successfully connected. The first type is actively working in the morning and lunchtime, and the second type flourishes with the arrival of the evening. Each dish from the menu is named after the famous hero from movies, which makes the range of very funny. Also in the cafe there is a bar called "Aspirin", in which each will be able to experience his luck in the game Darts. Playing can companies with a number of up to eight people. This entertainment is really fascinating, gambling and quite inexpensive. The institution prepares dishes of Ukrainian, European, Japanese, Italian cuisines.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_5

Mode of operation: from 10.00 to 23.00

The average cost of a check: 80 - 200 UAH.

2) Cafe - Club "Chanson" , ul. Kirov, 1 - This institution reigns a special atmosphere of nostalgia, as well as exquisite France. Stepping the threshold of the cafe, as if they are transferred to the end of the 19th century - a cozy interior, autographs of famous chanson on the walls, rare musical instruments. All this creates an unusually gaining spirit that envelops the visitor from the head to the legs from the first minutes of staying in the institution. Here every month spend copyright evenings with famous chanson, as well as musicians of other styles that can be enjoyable and free to communicate with various topics. The highlight of the cafe was its own author's menu, the special section in which is occupied by the item of baby food.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_6

Mode of operation: from 10.00 to 23.00

The average cost of a check: 100 - 200 UAH.

3) Pub "Liverpool" , ul. Plekhanovskaya, 9 - for themselves for themselves, they say the laudatory reviews of hundreds of visitors to this institution. According to many guests, Paba is preparing the most delicious meat in Kharkov, and also treat magnificent drinks. The bar card pleases with its variety of fans of strong potions, and the menu has an abundance of intriguing and unusual dishes. There are also rumors about the lightning and superior serving personnel, which makes rest for guests as pleasant and comfortable. I think you can safely trust the opinion of the inhabitants of the city and visit this wonderful pub in order to draw out your own impression about this institution.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_7

Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 23.00

The average cost of a check: 100 - 150 UAH.

4) Pizzeria "CAPRIPIZZA" , ul. Sumy, 35 - This establishment is perfect for fans of Italian cuisine. In addition to the fact that there are incredibly tasty food, so the interior has managed to create a special - pleasing gaze and supporting a pleasant appetite. It is immediately clear that the owner puts the whole soul in the development of his brainchild. Such care is always visible to the naked eye, so such institutions want to return again and again. However, if for some reason it is not possible to get into the institution, you can easily arrange a holiday belly holiday - a fast delivery service that can please still with hot pizza.

Rest in Kharkov: where to eat and how much does it cost? 8942_8

Mode of operation: from 11.00 to 22.30

The average cost of a check: 100 - 150 UAH.

I wish you a delicious Kharkiv PEC - End!

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