Jur-Jur Waterfall - noisy miracle Alushta


Jur-Jur Waterfall - noisy miracle Alushta 8940_1

Last summer, we decided to spend your holidays on the skirt, namely in Alushta. The rest was wonderful, the only thing that "strained" is rather large pebbles on the beach and in the sea - not very comfortable for the legs. On the last day before leaving, we decided to go look at the famous Jur-Jur waterfall - one of the business cards of Crimea, the wonderful creature of nature.

In this journey struck everything - just a sea of ​​emotions. We were immediately warned that the hard way would have to go in order to see this miracle. You can only get to the village of Generalical, and then or on a pawnist or on the "special equipment" (special equipment in a local understanding - enterprising guys on UAZ or old jeeps).

Jur-Jur Waterfall - noisy miracle Alushta 8940_2

I thought we would go to the waterfall, let's see and home - and not here it was! Only noise, and he himself turned out to be quite far from the mysterious Jura-Jura. But the path to the waterfall turned out to be even more interesting than the waterfall itself. Since we came early in the morning, there were few tourists and could have been widowed by a futuristic environment.

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Dark cliffs shrouded with emerald carpet from moss and cried with thick shrubs of rocks, wooden bridges, fleeting streams, roots of trees, like snakes intertwining the road, incredibly bizarre trees, a variety of wooden sculptures, - All this creates simply the surreal feeling that you got into a different measurement , in other reality. So you look at these, as if fabulous trees and wait - and does it look out of the hollow led?

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The waterfall itself personally produced me some kind of peaceful impression - a calm melodious murmur of the very flowing waterfall of the Crimea, not a roar, namely the melodious murmion of the water-running water flow, which form three cascades on its way. Lower Cascade There are thereby Jur-Jurom - a five-story house height. For his long century, the jet of water knocked out unusual natural fonts in the stone day of the river, the locals are called baths. Each of them received its romantic name and has its own legend. Oakdating in the bath of sins, according to legend, you can wash off all sins. Swimming in the bath of love is the key to the fact that throughout your life you love. I have long stood near her in doubt - and the love of infinite wants, and the water is cold. That's just decided to swing.

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