Sunny Phi Phi with Clean Beach


On the most desirable for tourists and the most crowded Thai Island of Phi-Pii, my friends did not immediately, but through the short stay on the island of Tao. The fact is that here in one of the hotels held the celebration of the Day of the Moon and our guide strongly recommended us to stay here for a day. If we talk about the most festive night, I personally didn't like it very much: a huge number and tourists, and local residents, alcohol rivers, an uncontrolled "crowd" drunk people who want to "make friends" :) But it was funny to watch such " Freedom ", which such gentlemen from the UK and the Lord from Germany were allowed here, which on weekdays are the most decent businessmen and fathers of families :). But the morning of the next day was very pleasant for several reasons. Firstly, the town as if extinct - everyone who took part in the holiday was satisfied. Therefore, we could bargain with taxi drivers, and with local guides - customers were few. Secondly, the local English-speaking guide, a leaving of Poland, brings us to truly a paradise beach, which was an excellent place for both diving and to light the part of our small group that preferred the "lazy" view of the rest.

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Almost all day we spent on the beach. In the evening, a guide was joined to us, which we hired at the hotel and together with him we swam to our travel goals - to Phi Phi. It should be noted that the movement of the move (more precisely, the guide is prescribed to us. Only later we understood why: there were already undergoing the experience of Taxi drivers in Europe and introduced the so-called "night tariff", which operates in the country not from a specific hour, but on the choice of the "taxi drivers". But it begins not earlier than 18.00 local time. The price for the service increased in 4 (!) Times :). On the phi-phi, we stopped in the bungalow, closer to the beach of Long Beach, which tried to "occupy" from the morning! The water here is simply crystal clear, the beaches in the morning are not crowded. Therefore, this time is better to choose for swimming.

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After lunch, when tourists began to converge on hot sand, we moved to the bungalow, rinsed, changed clothes and headed closer to civilization - to the hotel in Ton Say Bay. On the road, which took about half an hour, decided to move to the hotel, away from the insects and the noise of the generator, who interfered to sleep all night. Already on the approach to the hotel surprised and alerted what was here practically every step right on the street, the locals sell outdoors in the open sky. Deciding that our stomachs are seasoned enough by travel, we stopped to eat from one of these streets :) By the way, you have to be very attentive when the merchant will put you in a plate of food - it can easily be at any fried bugs, which is considered to have them Unprecedented delight. We stopped at a soup from mussel-squid-oysters with a lot of fresh greenery.

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The weekly rest to Phi-FCI really liked its exoticism - and the fruit, and the client sea, and the hot sun was plentious! What I remember from this trip is the fact of a huge difference in the objects of civilization, depending on the distance from the settlements. If we come back here, now we will settle exclusively at the hotel.

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