Trip from Valletta to Ta'kali or what to buy souvenirs?


Village artisans in Ta'kali, between Valletta and Mdina

In fact, Ta'kali lies between Mdina and Valletta. And in Mdina you will certainly go, because it is the ancient capital of Malta. Buses go to Ta'kali. I personally choose souvenirs there seemed more than interesting!

Ta'kali (Ta 'Qali) The place is quite "promoted", there for example is a very famous English military base in the past. Since 1915, there was a Royal Air Force airfield (RAF) and since 1941 it was a military airfield. When the British in 1964 left, then at the site of the military air base in 1980 they made a stadium and this village for crafts. Here in these very characteristic small aviation hangars and artisans work. Tourists are usually driving on the road on excursions, but often come on their own. Since 1994, there is a museum of the air base nearby. It is necessary to honestly say that financially ta'kali is indulged, and the EU help for traditional crafts has not yet come.

From crafts, and in the village and in Malta, are interesting first of all three: glass, ghanuer and ceramics.

Enterprise which there produces colored glass called MDINA Glass. Glass windows work right on your eyes. The company appeared back in 1969. The founder is Joseph Said, this is a family enterprise. Since then, the stained glass has become a favorite souvenir. It is sold and in the non-surgic points of Valletta, for example on Merchant Street 14. . We produce vases, flowers, frames and everything that will come into the head of colored glass resembling Muranous.

Trip from Valletta to Ta'kali or what to buy souvenirs? 8923_1

Trip from Valletta to Ta'kali or what to buy souvenirs? 8923_2

The second typical and no less interesting Maltese souvenir - Ganutell. Hence, by the way, the Russian word has occurred. It is the art of weaving spiral threads and wires in which beads woven, pearls. So make jewelry, flowers for the altar. In the village, mostly selling a silver plention. However, there are luxurious gold jewelry, they are sold throughout Malta. Fashion for a ghanuer, paraktically forgotten, came in the 90s years and since then buy something from the goverver in memory of Malta is the usual thing.

Trip from Valletta to Ta'kali or what to buy souvenirs? 8923_3

Third Typical Maltese souvenir - Maitolika. She strongly resembles Sicilian. She is also done right in front.

Trip from Valletta to Ta'kali or what to buy souvenirs? 8923_4

You can buy a liquor on the basis of the distillation of cactus or figs as a souvenir, well, but if nothing has happened at all, then Maltese coins that were there before the introduction of the euro, there are products from a tree. In general, if you decide to take away Maltese souvenirs, then why not buy them in Ta'kali.

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