Florence - Motherland Geniyev


Preparing for a trip to Florence, I, as usually shifted the Internet pages in search of the main places that you should visit in the city. It turned out that everything is interested in Florence, but I had to be inspected in just two days.

Famous people from Florence - Galilee, Dante, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Bokachco, Machiowelles and others - not only left a trace in world history, but also glorified their hometown. In paintings, novels, scientific works, architecture.

Unfortunately, I did not find Russian-speaking guides, I do not know italian, but not everything in English is not clear. I had to make a sightseeing route itself. I divided it into several categories: a visit to the cathedrals and churches (here it was exactly necessary to choose the most important, since in Florence the churches are literally on every street), palaces, museums and houses in which those or other figures, gardens and parks lived, and If there is time, then the bridges. Shops, entertainment centers, galleries and cafes meant me in the course of the case.

I went to the Cathedral Square to see the most famous Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiior, then to Palazzo Pitty, the former Residence of the Dukes of Medici.

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Behind him are Boboli gardens. That's where I gladly rested after the city bustle. Here are narrow paths, sprinkled by gravel, ancient oaks, cypresses, cool grots, many fountains.

Florence also the city of sculptures. It is not difficult to find the statues of David, Neptune, Judith from Oloferna's head, Perseus with a jellyfish head.

I mention about the bridges of Florence, I was not going to personally visit all 10, but standing on the Stone Bridge Ponte-Vecchio is a sacred business. It was built in the middle of the 14th century and remained the only bridge that preserved his primary appearance.

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All others were blown up during the II World War and were subjected to reconstruction. In general, one of the features of the embankment of the Arno River, dividing Florence in half, is that at home stand very tightly to the river and each other. So they create a one-piece architectural ensemble.

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