Where can I eat in Pakbenge?


In view of the fact that Pakbeng is no more than a transshipment point for Mekong's travelers, and there is no alternative settlements nearby, the locals very actively use their strategic location. Including, it applies to food. It is worth 20-30 percent here than in the same Wangguan or Luang Prabang. However, understanding the overall level of food prices in general in Laos, this overestimation does not seem tragic, even more so, in 99% of cases in this village no one else is delayed.

Where can I eat in Pakbenge? 8919_1

The main number of cafes and restaurants in Pakbeng is located on the main street located 100 meters from the pier on which all tourists land. It should be borne in mind that nothing exclusive and special here. Typical Lao cuisine, plus in some establishments and some Thai dishes are prepared. These are all the same salads there Mak Hung (from papaya and sharp pepper) and Nam Nuang (from meat, herbs and vegetables), Soup Lam and Thai Tom Yam, noodles of several species and familiar to everyone who was in Southeast Asia - LaaP (chopped meat or fish marinated in Lyme juice). If these dishes are tired, then in the center there is an Indian restaurant Hassan, where you can eat well-cooked curry. Some establishments can also offer local exotic, by type of fried incomprehensible animals resembling rats, but this is already at all amateur.

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If I want not just to eat, but also a little more to have a little, then for this Bar High, which is at the very end of the central street, can be danced if desired, and it works longer than all establishments.

In the morning, before departure, you can have breakfast in any cafe that is practically in every guesthouse. And advice. Be sure to buy a packed lunch, because on most boats, food is not provided, and the road to Luang Prabang will be at least 9 hours. Also sandwiches on the road can be bought in the local market or on the trays along the road.

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