Where to go to Reykjavik and what to see?


As Iceland is not similar to all other countries, it also stands out from the total mass of cities and its capital - Reykjavik. In it you can find so many amazing monuments of architecture, sculpture or nature, which even the spirit captures. In addition, having arrived in Reykjavik, you are striking how harmoniously, the harsh nature and creations created by the man's hand can coexist, how long and at the same time the brittle can be this union.

What should I first turn your attention when meeting the capital of Ireland? I will try to answer this question by allocation of the most interesting and memorable attractions of the city.

Reykjavik surprises not only by its nature, but also architecture. Perhaps the most grandiose building of the city is Lutheran Church of Hatlgrimskiga Located at Eiríksgata, 101 Capital Area and prominent from almost any part of the capital. The height of its tower is about 73 meters, and it is considered the largest temple in Iceland. Being nearby, it is necessary to pay attention to her walls, as if shining in the sun, go inside to feel like a little sand compared to such a giant, and also take a look at the statue of the Eyriksson traveler installed before the building, which was able to land on the American continent for 500 years Before Columbus, but not told anyone about it.

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Speaking about Reykjavik cult facilities, you can also note Temple of Landacotskirkia (or as it is also called the Catholic Church of Christ), located in the western Reykjavik on the Landacotes Hill. Built in the early 20th century in the style of neootics, the building amazes with its greatness, rigor and simultaneous elegance. I go inside, especially worth paying attention to the unique statue of Christ over the altar (the artist was given a decree to create a sculpture, unlike anyone in the world), the wooden statue of the Holy Virgin Mary with the child who has survived from the 14th century, as well as a bishop carved department, made one From the talented Icelandic masters.

Another truly awesome building Reykjavka is Perun. - The building, which combined several facilities under his dome, including the viewing platform, cafe and popular, rotating under the dome, restaurant, and an artificial geyser and an exhibition hall. Earlier on the hill, there were containers for storing hot water, which someone decided to adapt to other needs and make such an unusual, but very popular urban attraction. By the way, walking at the pearland, be sure to climb the observation platform located under the dome - from there, it opens just a terrific panoramic view of the city and surroundings.

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In 2007, the opening took place and Towers "Imagine the World" Dedicated to John Lennon's memory. Conceived as a kind of lighthouse of the world, the tower essentially is a big cylinder or well (desires, as they call), from which the tower of desires rises. Going closer, you can enjoy the faeery of the color, which is provided by multi-colored lights that design their reflection in the dark sky, as well as read the words "imagine the world" written in 24 world languages.

There is in the capital of Iceland and extraordinary houses, for which if possible, it is necessary to take a look. This is, first of all, House Hubdy (Höfðatún, Austurbær Capital Region), in which in 1986 a cooperation agreement was signed between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, which could be said to the end of the Cold War. In addition, many well-known political and cultural figures have repeatedly stayed in it. Also during a walk through the old city, you can pay attention to the old Government building and House of Parliament.

Reykjavik amazes not only with its landscapes and architecture, but also unusual sculptures adorning the city. So, one of the most favorite places for meetings, especially for lovers, is the playground before Sun Voyager sculpture ", Created by a talented Icelandic sculptor Jone Gunnar Arnason in the late 80s (installed in 1990, but the artist did not live up to this point, as he died of cancer). Completed in the form of a stylized ship, sculpture someone resembles the Viking ship, floating in the overseas Dali, although the creator himself saw in his creation to the desire for a dream and a new, bright future.

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And of course, having arrived in Reykjavik, it is impossible to bypass the party and its natural attractions. So, truly sign of the Icelandic capital is considered Mount Essia. which is visible from almost anywhere in the city and which is a real guardian angel and the symbol of the city. This mountain you need not only to overcome from the side, but also be sure to try to conquer, while at least a tourist trail. After all, the appearance opening from her slopes to the city and the surrounding space is impossible to describe in words!

Well, to create a complete picture of how they lived and what the inhabitants of Iceland were breathed in former times, you can look into amazing open-air museum in Arbayarsfna. On its territory, visitors are invited to visit historical or local lore expositions, as well as penetrate the atmosphere of traditional Iceland on recovered streets or in reconstructed vintage houses.

Thus, Reykjavik surprises and attracts its guests not only by unusual nature, but also an extraordinary monuments of sculptures and architecture, emphasizing its originality and uniqueness.

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