What is interesting to see Valletta?


Absolutely stunning co-cathedral sv. John (John) in Vallette

(in Maltese: Kon-Katidral Ta 'San ġwann)

John the Baptist is a patron of orders of Joanitis, therefore, the Maltese Order is called the Order of Joanites. St. John's cathedral is the most chic cathedral that I generally saw in my life! It is chic, and not gorgeous (as Italian and Cathedral of St. Paul in the Vatican), or a majestic (as French Gothic). It has luxury, and a strict style at the same time. Co-Cafe denotes that he is also a cathedral, but the main Cathedral of Malta is not here, but in Mdina. The joint is, in fact, in the center of Valletta, and therefore you just come to him, looking at the map or in advance will find it in the Internet. The entrance to the cathedral is paid, but you do not need to order a ticket in advance. As in all Catholic countries, it is necessary to simply be sterling with the church calendar, so as not to get to the service during which the cathedral is of course closed for tourists. It is impossible to photograph in the cathedral, but it is not too strict. Because I have certainly made a photo. The only place where you will follow a very intention - lateral nave with the picture of Caravaggio "Condition of Head of John the Baptist." And, of course, pay attention to shoes. All that can damage the floor is that there are high-heeled shoes - excluded. Interestingly, there is not one picture of Karavaggio. There are "St. Jerome in Celi. " St. Jerome is a patron of translators. This is no wonder, given the number of languages ​​of the Order!

Most of Maltesers - Catholics and more than 80% of Maltese residents regularly visits church services. Before entering the cathedral - a tree with a system of capillary water supply of roots.

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How to create a cathedral of sv. John.

The Cathedral was built in 1573-1578, during the times of the Grand Master Jean de la Cassief, immediately after the great siege of Malta. I built her architectror built and defense structures - Gerolao Kassar, but another hundred years required for the inner decoration of the cathedral! The artist Mattia Peta was even dedicated to the Knights of the Maltese Order. But then the knights were put in prison, in general the story there is dark and today is already incomprehensible. The style in which Pretti worked is a high baroque: the thread of the columns, the painting of the pretest archs inverted from Caravaggio. In a separate room, where the photographing is strictly prohibited, the Karavagiio canvas "Condition of Head of John the Baptist" (1608). Actually, because everyone also strives today to the cathedral. Interestingly, this is his only signed job.

Painted Arches

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Chapels of the Languages ​​of Orgen.

In the cathedral, eight side chalks, in the number of orders languages ​​(as they would have been told in other orders). Great masters are buried in them. It is empty only by a German chapel - Master died in exile, because he was expelled by Napoleon. Left: England in one chapel with Bavaria, Provence, French, Italians and German Chapel. Right: Body Bodges Fra Gian Francesco Abela and Fra Flaminio Balbiano, Overnal, Aragon and completely unimaginable for intricateness (perhaps even too) Castile Chapel.

Capella Castilla

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Paul from tombstones, crypt and museum.

A collection of marble tombstones is considered very valuable. Their 375, and the tumors simply immersed in the floor. And the fantastic beauty of the feast of the Cathedral is just marble tombstones of the knights with their coat of arms, devises. And the graves of great masters (those which are not in chapels) are underground, in Kripte. They also constitute a huge artistic value. And the rest of the paintings, they are not very much, is stored in the Cafed Museum.

Floor from knight's tombstones

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The cathedral acquired its znowdardment of the wellheaded only in 1820, in postnapoleton times. In the cathedral, of course, a stunning altar, chair and pass services. And this is the place in Valette by which it is impossible to pass!

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