Why is it worth going to Valletta?


Why Valletta and Malta are so called?

Valletta and Malta shocked me more than all the beauties of Italy or Paris. This is not just a resting place, this is the center of civilization that is obliged to see anyone who respected himself in life. This is the capital of Malta state. Malta - because the state organized the knights of the Orden of Hospitallers from the Holy Land. We know them and as a Maltese Order and as Joanites are simply different names. The name of Malta itself happened from the Greek "Melita" - honey. But we will miss the earlier history of the Order and Islands and immediately tell about its capital. Named the city of Valletta - the name of the Grand Master (Grandmaster) La Valletta, founded the city in 1566 and governing him with heroic protection against the Turks.

Valletta Streets from Rose Limestone

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Urban walls

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Monument to Vallette near the construction of a new parliament building

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Valletta - Cultural heritage of mankind.

All Valletta, the whole city, completely - the cultural heritage of mankind and the monument to UNESCO! The city is cut down in the pinkish sandbird, it is a very peculiar baroque. But Valletta is also the city - an impregnable fortress. It is completely surrounded by a wall and has bastions inbound gates. And the harbor in front of the city is the largest natural harbor in the world. From here only 40 minutes to Libya. The city for a long time was the last outpost of Christianity. Bastions are naturally named by the names of Saints: Mikhail, Andrei, Salvatore, Sebastiana, Gregor, Lazarus, Barbara, Anthony, James and Fort Sv. Elma. These names also pointed to the so-called Orden languages ​​(in other languages, such a division was called the provinces of the Order): Spanish, Italian, English, German, Aragonsky from which Castilsky, Provencan and Averens were separated. And about baaking sv. Lazarus is an assumption that it was an independent order.

The number of attractions in Valette simply shook: the Palace of the Grand Master and another 17 palaces of the orders of the Order, Sant John So-Cafed and 19 more ancient temples, the port of St. Elma, wonderful areas and unique streets with typical Maltese balconies. Behind these balconies carefully followed - a tree in Malta is expensive, and the climate is hot. Of course, the Archaeological Museum, the National Museum of Arts - National Museum of Fine Arts, etc. - Total about 10 museums.

Valletta - Moscow Hero!

In Valette, there are many beautiful museums and some of them are related to military history, but not so many of the history of the Order that for Malta is completely natural, but also with modern. The most famous in Vallette is of course Lascaris War Rooms. Maltesers stood to death not only against the Turks in the 16th century and in the epoch after the crusades. They fired and in World War II, when the Rommel army rushed to Palestine. Then more than half of all buildings were destroyed, thousands of dead and dead from deprivation. Bombers flew here from Sicily, which is just near - less than 80 km. The great people surrendered! Interestingly, the Maltese military form is just a copy of Soviet. I wonder who has copied?

Monument to Churchill

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Tighten English in Vallette.

The end of Malta's independently, Malta put Napoleon, but the French stayed here only two years. And after the victory over Napoleon, Malta became English colony. Therefore, tourists here are so comfortable: the state language is English! The English colony of Malta was until 1964, and of course there was a military base. Then he received independence. And since 2004 he entered the EU. And what is interesting, Maltese is very and very satisfied with this! The second state language Maltese is a kind of Northrabian dialect. However, in practice, most of the life speak Italian. Therefore, many hotels offer tourists, and especially children, tighten English on vacation.

By the way, the bank in Vadedte and Malta Hononsky and many Maltesers are angry.

Pros and Cons Valletta.

Summing up: Rest in Vallette is primarily a huge cultural event! Especially nice to combine it with beaches, good shopping and excellent cuisine. This is a city with the highest level of civilization, the standard of living is enlightened by almost all EU countries, moderate prices (after joining the EU, holiday prices went up). The pension is limited to the top plank of 3 thousand €, but pensioners have a lot of real benefits. 70% of Valletta revenues gives tourism, significant income also brings fisheries and therefore a good choice of fish (not in the example of Croatia).

If you are already in Vallette, it is especially no need to drive anywhere. This is the safest of the Kurrorts, you can come here alone and with children. But Valletta is a city with a very high population density. Although Valletsev approximately 6.3 thousand, but after all, the city's area is only 0,840981. Therefore, tourists usually dispersed along the coast in practically accredited with the capital of the suburbs. Despite the fact that the vegetation on the island is scarce, in Vallette carefully followed each tree and sometimes come to the roots cape-water supply. And the flowers are constantly updated on season, so Valletta will not seem a completely unlated city.

The disadvantages of vetells, as well as everywhere in Malta, can be attributed to a very hot climate and the absence of an adhesive water (it is either imported, or an extruded maritime) and some closeness of the Maltese themselves. Well, of course, the unusual right-hand movement. And the fact that the sales of course will have to go. About the beach holiday is not the most important thing in Malta and therefore it is possible to come here and you need to come at any time of the year, better - in not very roast. Because Malta and Africa almost already near! But during the rain, the city is literally sinking, as the stone badly absorbs water.

And yet, the city is very effective from the sea and the maritime excursion must necessarily be in your program!

How to get to Valletta.

Large and promoted brand hotels in Malta Road. But the country of civilized and small hotel companies are very comfortable. But it would be nice to rent a car, otherwise you can stay without a beach holiday. Hotels are better to order separately, closer to Vallette, and to buy a ticket separately. Airport is located in the town of Luga. But it's very easy to get here from Sicily ferry! In recent years, many cruise ships come to Malta, so you can watch Valletta within the framework of the cruise.

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