Oslo: Wonderful capital of Scandinavia


Children of the avid travelers will know the world original: familiar-home-domestic son-daughters ask for a holiday in Crimea, Turkey, Egypt; Children of the same friends of tourists love to relax from school in unusual countries. So my siblings, going to the middle classes, began to dream to get into Oslo. They really wanted to see how Moos roam the European capital. I got out the time in the summer, went. At the entrance, the harmony of the combination of pristine nature and advanced architecture was struck.

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Alas, animals in the capital of Norway did not go. In general, at first glance, the city appeared to us extremely respectable. That the solid appearance of the Oslo hides its primitive character, we understood only around the outskirts. It turned out that the metropolis on the one hand supports a serious fjord, on the other hand, the harsh hills, which, as if the rods of the guards were constantly moving the herds of moose. People are not afraid of people, guests with cameras posing willingly.

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With money that year was not very, because we saved. Fortunately, Oslo has it. An alternative to terrible hostels - "Smart Oslo", called a unique phenomenon in the Scandinavian hotel industry. Discharges microscopic, but there is a shower, toilet. Plus the ability to agree on a cheap and nutritional breakfast. Prices in memory have not been left: traveled last summer. We also didn't spend on public transport, everywhere they drove on great, whose rental points here, on the European tradition, mass.

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When they were going on a way, I was a little afraid that the local leisurely life would seem boring kids. In vain: Despite the slow rhythm, it was not bored. Some delights from feeding moose and successful fishing took three days. When the official tourist circle (the Royal Town Hall-Parliament) was traveled and the joy of the rich catch, communicating with the affectionate Sauchat, went with my young journalists in Trunge TV. Colleagues Hergan - long-living specialists in Norway, - agreed with someone agreed, conducted a private tour of the guys on important to the history of Scandinavian radio and television places.

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In the evening in the cafe Tower, together with friends, the spouse staged a real feast, rewarded themselves for abstaining. I gave up by cutting out of smoked and pickled eel, the men absorbed the roast of the venison, the kids were seduced by stewed under sour cream snow partridges. Garnish: Potato Fries. For dessert, fraternally divided a huge portion of a rice cream with topping from overwhelmed forest berries.

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It was found that the next morning wanted to terminate. Three days traveled on Oslo Fjord on a cajoque captured from the house, snacking dry soldering. Then they landed on the island of the Buga, visited the Viking ships museum, loved by the naval exposition. Not very inspired, went to ride on the bay on. Finally returned to civilization, setting up a picnic on a hollencollen spring. Homemakely arrived, with calls on hands, but we are proud of the Olkovsky exploits.

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