Naples - City of the Sun


In Naples, my husband and I and Ukraine and Ukraine were two years ago. This resort immediately conquered his temperament and the sea of ​​the Sun. Notice that when we arrived from the airport in Rome, the city fell asleep among the day. Only then they realized that this is so local residents saved from the heat that reigns here at lunchtime. But after 16.00 local time, Naples revive streets, cafes, shops are filled with whole streams of people! We bought a ticket through the Polish Tour Agency, as they at this time spend a lot of shares with discounts and on the tickets themselves, and on air tickets. The cost of the junction included not only accommodation in a fairly decent hotel, but also two curses around the city. You could choose what I want to look from the list of the list - so we went to Plebiscitte Square (in Italian: Piazza del Plebiscito), where one of the main attractions of Naples - Church of San Francesco di Paola (Italian: Basilica Reale San Francesco di paola). This grand building of the nineteenth century attracts not only tourists - here and celebrate weddings, and prayer is carried out. Basilica conquers not only with its sizes and a form that as it should hugs the area and people on it are, she also fascinates with its inner decoration, his pathos, forcing its significance!

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And we asked the second excursion to spend just at interesting modern places of Naples. Very surprised that in this modern city seafood sell right on the pavement! There are places near the first line of development (the second-third row of houses, counting on the part of the sea), where street vendors are placed with the freshest goods, fish, shrimps, etc. "Morning Polov". We bought shrimps here, the preparation of which can be ordered directly from the neighbor of this trader at the place in the bazaarchik :)

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Well, most importantly, why did we come here - these are beaches, the sea is pizza! It's just a Divine! On the beaches there is a loy cafe where you will be offered and eat, and just drink coffee. And if you get to Russian-speaking workers who have a lot here, then you can talk not only about the weather. Our compatriots and Ukrainians, who are working here, have already soaked in the Spirit of Italy and also talk, gesticulating intensively. And they still love to talk about how Naples love! :) We loved him too. Extent - the cleanest. You can rent a sun bed or attach simply on the sand - the pleasure of the sun and from the light sea breeze is equally huge!

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Our Polish friends joked that this trip is not just a vacation on hot sea beaches, but a trust tasting with the subsequent essay! Rephrassed the saying and we turned out: "Delivery Naples - and survive!" I have not tried such a delicious pizza anywhere. It is not surprising - we know that it is here in this city and invented this yummy :). It is said that the pizza was invented in a very poor family of a fisherman, to whom his wife, when he went for fish in the sea just such a pie and prepared. She knew the remnants of the flour and on the dough just sketched a larger on a little, which remained at hand. And it turned out the masterpiece of neapolitan cuisine!

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Naples need to choose for a summer vacation to those who love the heat, pizza and want to visit the border, but with a mass of Russian-speaking and resting, and local workers of the tourist industry. Very good got vacation. We want to repeat this year to departure to Naples. Now more time dedicate to local architectural monuments.

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