Where to go to Berlin and what to see?


How to look at Berlin from high.

In Berlin, there are several points from which you can see a circular panorama of the city or just panorama. Fashion for giant buildings and restaurants at the exhaust altitude appeared in the 60-70 years. Especially willing, it was drawn in Berlin - a symbol of opposition to two systems. Now in Europe, she clearly went to the decline. The highest buildings are now building of course in China, Asia and the Arab world. Nevertheless, old buildings are preserved and some of them are still popular. Well, very high sightseeing sites are of course on the ballistics of the temples. A complete list of such objects at the end of the article. In addition to buildings in Berlin, there are 4 more parks, with natural sightseeing sites, as the parks are located at height, oh about it next time.

So, what can you climb in Berlin?

Panorama of the dome in Berliner House - The highest point of all Berlin Cathedrals.

Berlin Cathedral is located if you stand face to the island of museums and look at the lawn-lustcarte, a little on the right, behind the river. It is just necessary on foot, on the stairs in which the 270 steps, rise to the dominant area of ​​the dome. The dome has a height of approximately 75 meters, a review of about 60 m.

It is impossible to climb only if a service is held in the Cathedral or if a concert is going. The entrance ticket costs 7 euros. The main difference from all other panoramas is that, firstly, the historical center of the city is perfectly visible, and secondly, as in the rest of the churches, this is an open panorama on which you feel the wind, rain and the reality of what is happening.

Television tower in Berlin (Fernsehturm Berlin) - in the imitation of the USSR.

Located directly to Alexanderplatz, right at the exit from U-Bahn and S-Bahn. Built the tower in 1965-1969, in the GDR. Its height is 368 meters and even today it is the tenth in height of the construction of this kind in Europe. The first and third, by the way in Russia and also rather old (Ostankino television 538 m 1967 and the navigation system of the seagull in the Republic of Komi 1958, above the Berlin TV TV and television television in Kiev and Riga). Probably because there are very few visitors from Russia.

It was the Berlin TV, with her easily recognizable silhouette, became a symbol of Eastern Berlin. Every year it is visited by 1.2 million people. Panorama is located at an altitude of 203.78 m, a restaurant for a couple of meters above. The entrance ticket costs 12.50 €, the time of lift is only 40 seconds. Elevators 2, but the second elevator is intended for VIP visitors to buy a VIP ticket or in a lobby, in a machine, or via the Internet. It already includes an entrance ticket to the restaurant (the order is paid in the restaurant separately). But the usual visitor, too, of course, can buy an entrance ticket to the restaurant. The login time is written on the VIP ticket, the rest should be focused on waiting time, which will be written on the scoreboard before entering. In summer weekends, this is usually about 6 hours. So time to take a walk along nearby other attractions will still remain. And inside the numbers will be written for the next 40 minutes with a tact of 10 minutes. At the unhurried inspection of the panorama is usually dotable 20 minutes, but time in the tower and in the restaurant is unlimited.

Berlin Television - Symbol of Eastern Berlin

Where to go to Berlin and what to see? 8882_1

Founders of the city electric train S-Bahn are just toy!

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Hotel Park Inn Hotel Am AlexEntertainment for brave.

The hotel that has an open roof terrace cafe. It works as an ordinary cafe and depends on the weather. On the roof of the hotel - an amusement aid for those who want to feel themselves in a free flight from the roof. Mandrels rejoisitively announce the horror cries the whole area. The height of the site is 125 meters, the total hotel height is 150 meters.

Jumping from Park Inn Hotel - Entertainment Not for Fewerous

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Dome of the Reichstag as a symbol of new Germany.

First of all, it is a dome of the Reichstag. His visit to free, but need to be recorded before. The height with which Viden Berlin is 47 m. The dome itself is a huge design, there is a lot of air and light in it. At the beginning of travelers 24 meters raise 2 elevators, and then you need to rise by a smooth spiral ramp with a length of 230 meters, in the form of a funnel. You can use the audio guide that will tell what you see. On the dome there is a small cafe called Käfer (bug). Guidebooks say that the diameter of the domes of 38 m height 23, 5 m, the weight of 1200 tons. Hold the dome steel "ribs" mounted at a distance of 1.65 m, 28, angle of inclination 15-17 degrees, an area of ​​glazing is 3000 sq. The glazing and reflects and misses the light, and is controlled by an average of 8,000 thousand people are controlled on the dome. Architect Paul Wallot, built Reichstag in 1884-1894. This dome naturally did not design. He was designed and built in 1999. Englishman Norman Foster. In addition, the stylish and filled dome as it is symbolizing a new, bright future of Germany, its refusal of everything that is associated with wars and Reichstag.

You can sign up here: http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/visits/kuppel/kupp/245686

List of review points in Berlin:

- Television tower (FernSehturm Berlin): 368 m, overview area at 207 m from the surface of the Earth.

- Hotel Park Inn Hotel Am Alex: 150 m, overview area at 125 m from the surface of the Earth.

- Berlin Cathedral or Berliner House: 270 Steps, without elevator, review from ok height. 70 m from the surface of the Earth.

- Incenskirt, the elevator is not, the height of the church is 67 m, the review from the height of about 22 m, the prevlamberg district is clearly visible from it. About this church - the symbol of the German confrontation of Nazism, communism and modern ultra should be said especially the next time.

- Fifth floor of the store Schönhauser Allee Arcaden and cafe.

- French Cathedral or Franzosishe House on Gendarmenmarkt, 254 Steps, Bullystrade is approximately at an altitude of 40 m.

- Dome of the Reichstag, view height with 47 meters.

- Kollhoff-Tower on Potsdamer Platz, Elevator at a speed of 8.67 m per second, a review height of about 100 m, cafe.

- Triumphal column (SIEGESSÄULE) in Tiergarten with a gilded angel on a 67 meter vertex. Overview from 51 m, 285 steps, no elevator, open review as in churches.

- Ytti-Tipp or Cafe "Skyline" of the Technical University of Berlin on the Royerplants of the Skyscraper of the telephone (due to the advertising of Telecom). Cafe on the 20th floor.

- Functurms (FUNKTURM, that is, a radio station in the exhibition complex), height 150 m, a survey platform from a height of 100 m, a restaurant at an altitude of 55 m.

- Grunevald Tower (GrunewaldTurm) with a restaurant, an old building of the 19th century, height is 55 m, a survey platform at an altitude of 36m, no elevator, 204 steps. From her a wonderful review on the River Hafel and Grunevald.

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