Food on Bali: prices, where to eat?


On Bali very tasty! The kitchen is diverse: local Indonesian, European, Italian, Mexican - for every taste and wallet. Many exotic fruits, the range is similar to Thailand and any other country of south-villager Asia. Mango, Coconuts, Litchi, Pineapples, Watermelons and Much Others - just a paradise for fruit lovers! And seafood! To eat tasty cooked seafood, it is worth going to Jimbaran Beach, where in the evenings the tables are exposed directly to the beach and enjoy the taste of fresh shrimps, lobsters, oysters, crabs. But, to eat in a good restaurant on Bali - expensive, prices are almost Russian. Yes, and alcohol sneakers, as in restaurants, so shops. So, a bottle of beer 0.6 liters will cost you in a restaurant or on the beach in 100 rubles, and in the store in 80 rubles.

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Strong alcohol is very expensive, so experienced tourists buy it in Duty Free. There is a local alcoholic drink on Bali - Arak, the taste is terrible but cheap.

On average, for dinner on Bali on the family husband, wife and ten-year-old son, we spent from 1000 to 1300 rubles - this is in the restaurant. These are three hot and three drinks. But in the local cafe - Varunga, we have dinner for 200 rubles for the whole family - it's very cheap! Two chicken soup took, two portions of pork kebabs and pancake. Tasty! A very good dish is offered by Varungi - it is rigged, rice with vegetables, chicken and spices. It costs from 50 to 80 rubles, it is necessary to try! Even, in restaurants offer kebabs with nut sauce - delicious dish! Serve them right on the roaster, you can do in your liking.

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Another chip of Indonesian cuisine is a duck on Balish. Not in every restaurant it is prepared correctly, so it is better to order it on the recommendations of the locals.

It is cheaper to live on Bali and eat in Ubud - this is a very interesting town in the center of the island.

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It is most expensive - in the Nusa Dua resort. This is a very civilized, but also a very expensive area, focused on Russian tourists, local varungs there are practically no, only expensive restaurants.

In supermarkets, such as COCO MARKET, prices for products approximately as in Russia, chips, buns, other snacks can be bought there. There is a small selection of baby food. For older children, in any cafe will prepare spaghetti, soup or pizza, it is inexpensive.

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