Odessa is a nationality :)


How many films you did not look about the beautiful Odessa - while you can not visit here, you can't understand what the phrase means "Odessa is a nationality." My husband and I understood it on the first day of arrival in this beautiful, warm city. When we asked the taxi driver to take us to the glorious Odessa bridges, they heard in response: "Why do you need this uninteresting dear bazaar - let me take you to the seventh kilometer and you buy everything there" :) Well, what kind of beauty is this Odessa! :) We agreed and eventually together with payment for the road (as it turned out to be much later) the purchase cost more interest on 20 more expensive! :) But we were ready to sacrifice this money to feel attended to this nationality! :) All five days of Odessa holiday us I did not leave a smile from the efforts of local "hunters on holidaymakers" at least a little bit, but earn on trust visitors.

We managed to warm up on the sunny beach expanding. We chose it from all available beaches because of a close distance to the room we shot. It was necessary to pay for the room for all the time of our stay a little more than 12,000 rubles, but it was already laid and the full board. So it was not necessary to go to the seventh kilometer more :) We could enjoy moving the cable car onto a well-equipped beach.

Odessa is a nationality :) 8873_1

Odessa is a nationality :) 8873_2

The lady, which we stayed in the evenings entertained us by the stories of the history of the city, twice we even walked together for a walk on the glorious street Derebasovskaya. There are a lot of restaurants, but our "hostess" firmly insisted that it is impossible to eat here - there is expensive and tasteless! :) But we have already understood that it is important for her not our well-being, but that we, as she explained "not We can spend money. " Imagine? :) It turns out if you shoot the room, then this does not mean that they should not report for the money spent! Our "hostess" neighbors said not about us "my tenants", but simply "mine." And this is somehow so warm, Odessa ... True, we still, in secret, they went to the cafe on the ice cream and felt after returning home, like our schoolchildren!

Odessa is a nationality :) 8873_3

If you choose among the resorts of Ukraine, then Odessa is the right choice. We just need to remember that Odessa is a nationality! :)

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