Lisbon - a fairy tale in reality!


Portugal on the erroneous opinion of some injecting people, the country where there is nothing to watch and it does not deserve attention.

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Having been in Lisbon, ready to refute this opinion, and if you give a moment of your precious time, reading my feedback about your impressions, about this rich architecture and an incredible country history, also make sure that my words are justified.

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So, Lisbon is the capital of Portugal, once a great country famous for the whole white light!

That I was pleasantly surprised, so this is the subway right at the airport, since I traveled myself, no one met me, and the taxi is still expensive, the subway is a great and convenient opportunity to quickly get to the center. Having settled in the hostel, I immediately went to get acquainted with the city.

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By the way, there is a monument of Jesus Christ, very similar to a similar statue in Rio de Janeiro, well, of course not such scales, but still.

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A wonderful view of the ancient and patriarchal Lisbon opens from the observation deck, on which you climb on an unusual and amazingly beautiful elevator for a symbolic price. The elevator is located in a narrow opening between the two buildings and externally, it seems to be worn out of metal lace. You can, of course, for a smaller fee to climb the site along the stairs, but I would advise you still do not save.

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It is also simply impossible to not be noted that Lisbon just stuffed with architectural monuments. Narrow vintage streets, beautiful decorated with amazing stucco and ceramic tiles, and not ababa, but on the facades of buildings created real masterpieces, palaces, stunning fountains, just do not mention, but the impressions of the breathtaking spirit. It is sad that some of the old buildings clearly require restoration, but the government does not have enough money, they do not consider it necessary, but the fact remains.

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In the afternoon, this amazing and vintage city is rino and calm, but in the evening he seemed to wake up from sleep and a completely different life begins. Cafe appears - terraces, where else day nothing even said about them, the townspeople come out on the evening walk. On the streets you can see street fakirov, mimes, musical groups and other enterprising young people who earn on the entertainment of tourists.

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As for museums, here, as well as in any capital, there are plenty of them, but at one museum I would sharpen attention. First, absolutely free entry, which can not, do not like the Russian tourist, and secondly there really is to see what you thought you think in this museum is a carriage, and from different eras, from different countries and different estates. Of course, the royal carriages are especially impressive, richly decorated with gold and all kinds of angels, coat of arms and mythical creatures. Each item is so accurate made that it simply cannot but admire.

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Another place that admires his dazzling beauty is the symbol of Lisbon - the Belen Tower. Of course, before climbing the viewing platform, it will be pretty pulled out, because the screw staircase, the leading top is incredibly narrow and almost impossible to break down, but small inconvenience seems completely insignificant, it is worth only to reach the light.

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The tower opens an incredible panorama on the endless ocean - amazing.

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I hope that I could convince you. Lisbon not only deserves attention, because he is very beautiful, honors the traditions of old Europe, so you can still relax at all expensive unlike many other European cities.

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