Phuket - two weeks as one instant


Thailand - the word sweet, melts in the language. It has a complete set of classic exotic country: warm turquoise sea, bright sun, palm trees and unique flora and fauna. The riot of greenery and the magnificent flowering of tropical flowers, the paradise singing of unfamiliar birds and the wonderful local residents provide a complete feeling that it was found on another planet. Especially when you fall into this solar edge among the Russian winter, then slushful, then frosty to indecency.

December Phuket immediately placed the summer heat in +30 and a cloudless high, bright blue sky. The hotel was near Karon Beach. Decent sand: clean, crisp and very white. Water, heated above +26, so comfortable, which you can easily, did not have to go. On the banks of the cafe and tents with a massage, in general, "thirty three pleasures". On joy, I tried all kinds of massages. The most tough was Thai. My "oh" and "ah" was broadcast all over the district. But in the end, the ease indescribable, as if in a new body moved. I really liked the point massage of the legs, I tried to do after the excursions - the severity takes off one moment, even on the run and jump. Common body massage - also a wonderful thing, after the procedure is updated not only the body, but also the Spirit.

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For two weeks, we managed and get enough, and see the world. Were in the garden of butterflies. They are completely hand, sit on the head and shoulders - do not be afraid of people. All-all different, colorful. I felt a happy child, which turned out in a beautiful fairy tale. There was also a campaign to the local zoo. It was amazed that the cells are clean, smell and not at all, and the animals are well-groomed with shiny wool (this tigers concerns). Seen both crocodiles and elephants. The last representation was given. Nothing special, they saw all this in the native circus.

But the excursion to the islands of Pi-pi was accurately special. If someone is not aware, it was there that the "beach" was shot with another young di whim. Beautiful extraordinary, fascinates and does not let go. The road, however, before the miracle islands, barely suffered. All because we rushed on the boat with a breaking head. Although there was a calm, but because of the speed, the boat rigidly jumped on the water, and an hour of ride seemed eternity for my soft place. I also scolded me, so if anyone decides to visit Pi Pi, my advice to you - do not eat before traveling.

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If you want to immerse yourself with your head in the particular Thai life, then go to Kao Varnish National Park. We have thought of going on elephants and engage in "rafting" at the local river. It turned out to be someded with an elephant - there were no peaceful hormones, we were lucky on themselves calmly and slowly. Only when the descent began, I have a little rearfila - it took a strong grip, so as not to fly from the elephant under the slope. Poktetsky rafting is a leisurely alloy along the river without thresholds and dugs on the rafts. Without extreme, but with an unforgettable, charming beauty of coastal landscapes. All the way we fed. I will not say that it is very tasty, but diverse. Special emotions were obtained in a tiny village, where they stayed on the halt. Local arranged a real concert with dances, a game of marched tools and folk songs. Surprised what they did it sincerely, from the soul, as if at the wedding of the best friend. And this is despite the fact that such speeches of the aborigines give each tourist group that he swims.

I almost forgot to tell about experience with exotic fruit Durian. Who was in Thailand, he will understand me! For the first time we came to the fruit market and took this outstanding and promising fruit ready for use, in the package. But, through her, the smell was seeded and gave a rotten meat in a heavy bow. Ambre, you know, not appetizing. After opening the package, nausea urges only intensified. I had to quickly get rid of this weapon of mass lesion. We were in extreme bewilderment, because they heard that there was an insanely delicious Durian in the world. Maybe we were mistaken with a variety? An employee who missed the number came to revenue. At first, really, we flew out: it turns out that the fruits of Durian can not be carried to the territory of the hotel because of a specific smell. And then revealed all the secrets about how to find the same. Having wounds on the useful information, we go again for exotic prey. Now the fruit is cut off right when we are immediately separated (peel in spines), and while it is in Naziweight condition, it is cheerfully eaten for both cheeks. That's quite another thing! The taste this time is gentle, obviously felt the fragrance of Vanilla. And he is very useful. The vile smell and the taste appear after the start of the natural oxidation process. So here the proverb works - who managed, he ate.

13 days swept in the vortex of the most vivid emotions and new impressions. I really want to return, now you will choose another place - in Thailand so much interesting things that you want to cover as much as possible!

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