What should take with you to rest in Montenegro?


Life has developed so that many years I had to spend in the Balkans, in particular, in Montenegro. Become a witness to find independence, development, overcoming many problems. All this gave an invaluable experience that I consider for sure to share with everyone who has already been there more than once, and those who are just going to visit this amazing, unique nature and culture. Balkan countries, with the exception, probably, only Slovenia live in their own way and are not at all similar to that old Europe, to which many of you may have accustomed to. But it is worth entering this rhythm, to understand how everything works - and you are slowly becoming your own, people and opportunities open, showing the whole latitude of the Balkan heart. No wonder here the word Domaći is of particular importance - it is applied to movies, products, music, and in all spheres of life: this means that this thing is made in one of the countries of the former SFRA, and therefore you can trust. I hope some tips from those that I will give, come out and allow you to save time, money and nerves.

What should take with you to rest in Montenegro? 8848_1

Despite the lack of a visa regime with most countries of the former union, arriving in Montenegro, you need to register. If you stayed at the hotel, then the owner will make it for you in order of the usual procedure. But having arrived by the savage, do not be lazy to go to the local tourist office (in Budva it is located on the central street of the Old Town). The registration form will cost about fifty cents, it is necessary to call at least an approximate address of accommodation. After that you get the form, Bijeli Karton, which most likely browsing the border guide on the road. You can be in Montenegro within thirty days (no month!). The proceedings threatens a large fine and problems up to deportation and deprivation of the right of entry for several years. Do not underestimate the importance of registration! Many tourists caught in this way, some had to bother with a formal bribe border guard, some were forgred, but now, when Montenegro is getting closer to joining the European Union, they are more actively fighting with corruption, and old focuses do not pass. Make sure your passport has a valuation!

If you suffer from chronic diseases, do not forget to take with you all those drugs that may be needed, but do not be lazy to check whether they will have any questions on Russian customs. Medicine in Montenegro is at a very low level of development, so be sure to buy insurance. The admission of foreigners is conducted in each city, this is engaged in a special doctor in the clinic. For such a consultation, you will take a tangible amount, so that it should be ready. To avoid visiting a doctor - first of all, take care of the solar and thermal impact, drink more fluid, cover your head and be sure to use sunscreens. Our tourists manage to drink alcoholic beverages on the beach - you should not do this, it is so extremely dangerous to do! Do not bathe in the stormy weather - the waves are covered here, and the coast guard and rescuers work, just say, irregularly and after the sleeves. In pharmacies, a sufficiently miser set of drugs is presented, in addition, most names will be unfamiliar to you, so it is better to bring the necessary minimum with you.

Follow the weight of baggage. Each airline establishes its norms of permissible weight, and for the advantage will have to overpay a significant amount.

Many souvenirs are being brought from Montenegro, including alcoholic beverages. Remember that you can take out no more liter of strong drinks or two liters of wine. Laws are often changing, so be sure to check the country's current legislation for alcohol exports. It is impossible to export meat and antiques. Large currency amounts are better to put on a card: besides Chernogorsk customs, you can be selectively inspired by arriving in Russia, and it should be remembered. You can take out one block of cigarettes (not counting Duty-Free), but they are very expensive here, so if you smoke, bring with you. Otherwise, customs rules differ little from pan-European or Russian. Of course, you should not buy blades and other cold weapons, even souvenir: There may be a huge number of additional documents on their export. Hold all the time in the mind that Montenegro is already without five minutes of the EU, and many rules are rewritten from there to virtually a copy. Observe them extremely important: it's fined here with pleasure and more and more often, without making a discount on where you came from.

What should take with you to rest in Montenegro? 8848_2

Adapters for sockets in Montenegro will not be needed, there are practically no bunning insects, but it is worth being careful when visiting the forest: it literally tends to different lovers, and a lot of snakes in deserted and dry places.

All necessary hygienic accessories can easily be purchased in local supermarkets. In Montenegro, there are a lot of children, and the attitude towards them is traditionally trembling, so all the most pleasant conditions will be created for the kid here.

Most of the beaches of Montenegro pebble, and entering the water can be a problem: it is better to take care of the purchase of special shoes.

Otherwise, it's just worth being attentive, as in the whole world, then this country will bring you a lot of unforgettable impressions, and you will surely want to go back here again and again.

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