Netanya - Israeli Riviera


I want to share my emotions from the visit to Netanya, in which I managed to visit this year. Israel by itself is a bright and unique country, and Netanya, perhaps the most beautiful city, which proudly is called the pearl of the Mediterranean Sea.

It seemed to me, she is always full of people, happy and rested. Its well-groomed beaches stretched 14 km. Such popularity forced me to go on the coastline a little further than the city center to find a quieter place. This is specially coming from Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. In Netanya and beaches are free, and all the amenities (umbrellas, lounge chairs). I was pleasantly surprised by a sufficient number of shower cabins, seats for dressing, near which queues were not created. On several beaches there are whole buildings with canopies, toilet rooms and drinking water. It is obligatory is the presence of rescuers on the beaches, because the sea is often often clouded.

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I got to the opening of the beach season in May, when the difference in water and air temperature is practically not tangible. All year round, only the central beach is officially opened, there is a gym, and even in January, the athletes are bathed in the sea. Although why not: in winter, air temperature and water approximately +18 C.

To protect the blur of the shore from the waves, artificial lagoons with a small sunset on the sea are created on the beaches. So the water from the shore becomes significantly warm.

Cafes, restaurants and fast foods in the city countless. Sometimes its square and wide streets resemble one large outdoor restaurant. Several establishments may nearby put their tables, and as soon as they disassemble where Whose client sits, I do not understand.

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Not far from Netanya is the Caisaria National Park. Fans of antiquities must be waggered on the ruins of the fortress, the stages of the amphitheater, familiarize themselves with the technology of the aqueducts for feeding drinking water and see the oldest synagogue. In Caesaria there were Roman baths, markets, reservoirs for storing fresh fish, hippodrome and a large port.

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