Pleasant for children and adults


If you want to cheap and safely spend the summer recovery of children - you need to come to Ochakov! The town is small, there is no crime at all. Local residents are very kind treat us, tourists. This is understandable: they have the season of summer holidays make it possible to make money on the consequent month of the year. I was in Ochakov with nephews - sister asked to pick them up with me to show Ukraine :). We never looked around the country - let down the road, I just sorry to torment the car. But here, here, on the spot, we have so actively rested, that even a little tired :). First, for the development of lungs, we not only flooded, but also walked around the seaside band - here everywhere the most beautiful small sand! Devora was delighted. It is understandable: they saw sand in a large number only in the sandbox. And then his whole sea! The shores are breaking in places, but the sea buckthorn is growing in a unthinkable quantity (by the way, you can collect in the fall), which restrains the collaps.

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We were very lucky with the weather in July - not a single drop of rain, permanent day air temperature + 27-30. Therefore, we spent whole days or in aqua park, which is considered one of the local attractions, or right on the beach. Great place and very clean. In the care of holidaymakers with children, a small town of attractions will be deployed here. Payment for two hours acredited here - only 50 hryvnias (200 rubles), and the defector really likes because everything is soft (inflatable).

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Available prices allowed us to eat in the "Pilgrim" restaurant, which is right there on the beach. Usually, the bastard eaten a soup or green borsch , bored with dumplings with cherry or strawberries (local cultivation), and I ordered Ukrainian borsch with beans and rubrys, dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes, kebab or meat in another form. Fish here is more expensive than meat, even the town and Primorsky. Well, the climb is small. But what is being prepared in this restaurant is very tasty. In one visit, we were invested in 90-110 hryvnia (360-440 rubles).

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And at the restaurant there is also a sauna. So, if I ever be here without children, I will definitely use it. The local banner says that they have a special procedure at which they use dirt. He said that the use of this therapeutic swamps plus heating in the sand on the beach helps spread with rheumatism and children's, and "adults".

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We also went to the port, where for a reasonable fee you can ride a motorboard or boat. And when the children have already slept, I went to walk to the nearest hills to admire the lights of the night city. This is a very pleasant place - the people hospitable and remember our common roots. If someone gather here on vacation, I advise you not to buy a tour in the sanatorium, but to take a room right here, already on arrival - save %% 20-30. The choice of rooms is large - the proximity of more comfortable resorts affects the proximity. But Ochakov can be made by the so-called "base", from where to go on excursions and in Odessa, and in Nikolaev. Just need to take into account that the roads wish the best, so that a trip will take a little longer than I wanted.

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