What is interesting to see St. Gallen?


An amazing city, which seems very calm and boring at first glance, is quite unique and beautiful inside. Being the center of the canton of St. Gallen, the city is very developed and full of fascinating and beautiful. He has a rich story that originated over one and a half years ago. Back in the 7th century, it was a small village that originated thanks to the now all the famous monk Gallus, who later founded the monastery here. The city developed rapidly due to its successful location and gradually turned into the economic capital of the northeastern part of Switzerland.

Today it consists of the old part and the row of surrounding villages, such as Rothmontin, Bruggen, Lahen, Haftnersberg, St. Fiden and others attached to the city in 1918.

It is also one of the main historical, cultural and transport centers of the country. The coat of arms of St. Gallen depicts a bear, which stands on the hind legs with a golden necklace.

The city is full of historical values ​​and attractions that attract the attention of tourists and travelers from everywhere.

The most famous historical object is considered Abbey Cathedral , While towers in place, where thousands of years ago were the cells of St. Gall, the founder of the city. This low person founded in ancient times a huge, famous abbey now. In the middle of the ninth century there was a wooden complex, which included the Church of St. Galla and a small chapel, which was consecrated in honor of the leader of the warrior of Archangels - Archangel Mikhail. In 1755, the construction of a new baroque building, which today is a beautiful tourist object in St. Gallen. Construction was led by Peter Tumba and Johann Beer.

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The inner decoration of the cathedral is simply great. It is decorated with frescoes written by D. Wonnamenmater, which displays the scenes from the life of St. Gall. In addition, the department, altar, columns and benches of choirs are decorated with a beautiful thread with gilding. In the center of the dome, above the heads of tourists, the images of the saints with the apostles and the Trinity are located.

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In the right attack of Abbey, there is one of the three oldest bells of Europe, brought here by the Holy Gall from Ireland.

The abbey is the majestic, elegant, old Biblotek because during the times of the Middle Ages a lot of time and attention was paid to the books. Here, by order, the construction of the library, which is located at the main cathedral building began.

This is an amazing place that strikes imagination and gaze everyone. Beautiful rococo style creation, which stores thousands of ancient books and foliants. The ceiling of the library is decorated with frescoes belonging to the brush of the bathnamnachera. They depict the theologians who participated in the decisions of the Universal Councils. According to official data, the library has about 150 thousand publications, including antique Irish manuscripts, the most ancient book of Germany, astronomical maps and rare copies of well-known authors and so on.

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In a separate placement of the library, the most vintage manuscripts are stored, which require special content and storage, even create a special microclimate, but the entrance for tourists is limited.

In St. Gallen's remarkable are Gate Karla Which in the city legend became the first person who drove through the street strengthening of the city wall. Carlo Borromeo became famous for the fact that he significantly contributed to the restoration of morality in the monasteries. He was also a Cardinal, who in the times of the plague personally session and confessed dying. Charles is famous in a historic aspect, because he was a champion of the Reformation, during which, people were indulging in cruel and terrible torture.

Attentively, looking at the gate, you can see another saint - St. Galla, because he is considered heavenly patron saint of St. Gallen. Over the figures depicted a holy crucifixion.

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On its territory, about ten a wide variety of museums who keep the history of the city and its surroundings.

For example, three museums are located near the theater: Museum of Natural Science , Historical Museum and Museum of Fine Arts.

Historical Museum St. Gallen is considered one of the oldest museums of Switzerland. It presents expositions on the history and culture of the city and its canton. The museum founded Johann Kunkler in 1879-1877.

Museum of Art Invites visitors to familiarize themselves with collections of sculptures and painting 19-20 centuries.

In addition, the Gallery of Contemporary Art and the Textile Museum, which offers to get acquainted with everyone with the exhibitions of the textile industry, as well as with a variety of tissue and embroidery samples.

On the territory of St. Gallen, the Aviation Museum, Amden Museum, forge Museum, HEIMATMUSEUM BALGACH Museum, House "To Torggel" work.

In the cultural center of the city there are a city theater and a concert hall, as well as the city park of St. Gallen. The theater offers to watch exciting musicals, performances, opera performances, ballet and so on. Here are the concerts of the symphony orchestra of the city, as well as touring concerts. The city has a puppet theater, which will be interested in visiting children.

Tourists may also be interested in the historical part of the city, which is decorated with numerous erkers and wood carvings. In this part of the city, the oldest Swiss bank of Wengelin, founded in the distance 1741. Here is the pool, which was built in 1906 by the system of French Engineer-builder Francois Ennebik.

Tourists and guests of the city will be interested in the tour of the surrounding area and its architectural grace, because the city of St. Gallen is called the city of thousands of stairs, because most of its part is dressed up with the most diverse stairs leading from the city center to the neighborhoods of Rosenberg and Freudenberg. The fact is also interesting that due to the unstable peat soil, with close grounding of groundwater, many buildings in the city had to build on oak piles, including the building of the main station and the post office.

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