Odense, inspired felt


When we sat down in Copenhagen in a high-speed train, which went to Odense's city, did not guessed that the adventures would immediately begin. Odense is located on the small island of Funen, it is necessary to get to him on the suspension bridge, which in itself is a landmark. Its length is almost 8 km, and he connects the shores of Denmark and Sweden. The train goes first towards land, then dives into the underwater tunnel, and then leaves for the bridge. Circle only water and rushing on the overpass cars.

The most convenient way to move on Odense, except for pedestrian, cycling. Rental points are very much, there are special cycling tours around the city with a translator guide, individual routes have been developed. The city is though small, but all the time we were tired of walking on foot, and every time spent on urban transport, to drive one or two stops did not want. We did not need to carry bicycles behind them, if you wanted to enter a store or cafe, because in the city of free cycling, no less than automotive.

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Odense - the Motherland of Hans Christian Andersen and the town all penetrate the spirit of his fairy tales. Adults, like small children rejoice in sculptures depicting book heroes. Focusing on the map, we found 18 such sculptures scattered throughout the city. Among them, the pot with open flower, and in it inch., Tin soldier, a big dog from "Fire", wild swans.

On the central square there are monuments of Andersen and King Knut. There is also a beautiful cathedral, built in honor of the king, which has become the place of pilgrimage of the believers of the Danes.

In Andersen's Park, we swept on bikes on shady roads, moved the bridge and saw another representative of the fairy tales in the reservoir - the boat of the tin soldier. From afar it looks paper, and in fact it is steel.

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To get to the castle of Eguezkov, we still had to take advantage of the transport. After all, it is located 30 km from Odense. The castle is called the "oak forest", as it stands in the middle of the lake on the foundation from a thousand oak pillars.

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