What is interesting to look at Naxos?


Naxos - Greek island as part of Cyclades and the largest island of the archipelago (Naxos Square 428 km²). Somewhere 18 thousand people live here, who work at the essay and marble processing plant (and by the way, this island is the birthplace of the world's largest emery field!), In agricultural land, as well as residents are engaged in fishing. To say that Naxos is very popular among tourists - it means to be mistaken. Tourism is not at all the priority direction of the development of Naxos. However, this is not a completely "disappearance" place, of course. There are luxury hotels here, and shops, and bars, everything is there. You can get to the island on a ferry from Piraea and Rafins (daily). The path will take 4-5 hours. Either you can fly from Athens (six times a week there are flights to the island, Olympic Air) - then the way will take a little more than half an hour. Well, while being on the island, do not forget that Naxos has a long and very interesting story. The island is mentioned in the documents from the 6th century to our era. Accordingly, with antiquity, the city can be considered prosperous and known. But that you can see at Naxos.


This church is in the village of Khalka, which is southeast of the city of Chora. This is one of the earliest cross-domed churches of Greece. It also calls the church Panagia Prototron. It is believed that this beautiful white cathedral with one dome was built in the 9th century. By the way, the building was originally built as a basilica, and inside it was the chapel of Agios Akindinos. Also in the temple there are unique frescoes of the period of 6-13 centuries. Restorers discovered 5 layers of paintings on the walls, which relate to different time segments, from the early Christian to the Latestress period. It's hard to believe in it, but the Cathedral has been working for the 14th centuries!

Church of the Mother of God, Refreshing Power (OUR Lady Of Refreshment Church)

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About 15 km south from the choir, next to the village of Moni is this luxurious Byzantine Church of the Mother of God, refreshing power. This is one of the oldest Christian shrines of Naxos. In Greek, the name of the church sounds like a church of Panagi Droziaani. Presumably, the temple is built in the 7th century of our era. Inside, you can see unique frescoes, as well as the altar image of St. George and the dome painting "Christ Pantokrator" ("Christ Altage") of the 9th century. There is a believer that as soon as the fresco was completed with the face of the Virgin, immediately ended the exhausting long drought on the island. Therefore, the church from a flat stone was decided to name this way. Beautiful temple with the same wonderful vintage carved wooden iconostasis. The church is almost always open in the afternoon, and even if you arrived, and the doors are closed, knock on the door - you will not be denied a little excursion to the temple.

Bellonia Tower (Bellonia Tower)

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It is a high and elegant construction of a square stone from a stone, which is located in the village of Galanado, a couple of kilometers from the city of Naxos. It is known that the initial destination of the tower is defensive (protect the island from pirates). Strategic towers are scattered around the island so that if an attack on Earth took place, the roof of the shelled tower was covered with fire and became the first in the chain reaction. So, on the chain, the fire was notified by the inhabitants of Naxos that the enemies were close. Very thoughtful! Next to the fortress is the two-latal church of St. John - one dome for Orthodox, and the other for Catholics. Also, there should be to come at least due to the luxurious view, which opens from the hill on which the fortress is worth.

Temple Demeter (Temple Of Demeter)

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The temple is located in the vicinity of the village of Sangri. For reference: in the Greek mythology, demeter is a patroner of farmers, and since, as I have already written earlier, agriculture on the island has been developed for a very long time. Therefore, the construction of this temple was quite logical. The temple was built in the 6th century BC. Of course, for a long century, the building has already lost their former greatness and beauty, because it was built from a marble, which quietly began to take care and sprinkle local residents. Well, time, of course, merciless. But, thank God, the group German archaeologists took to restore the temple, and today tourists can see the main columns and chapels of the temple in quite a good form. In general, this temple can be counted for unique samples of buildings of that time, because the building has a rectangular plan at the base.

Marble Gate "Portor" (Portara)

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The island's business card, ancient marble white gates of the portor are located on a tiny island of the Palatia, which connects with the Naxos Bridge. The portor is part of the ancient temple of Apollo Vi-V centuries to our era, which was never completed. These majestic gates were supposed to be the main entrance to the sanctuary, but the construction of the temple remained not complete. And the gate, along with stone steps, decided not to demolish. So they lead these luxury gates to nowhere for many, many centuries. Tourists arriving on the island adore this attraction. Especially here beautifully at sunset - photos are gorgeous!

Venetian Museum (Venetian Museum)

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The museum is located in the building of the old mansion of the early 13th century, which was once the property of the rich family Della Rocca. The house is very beautiful from the inside, and talks about how his owners lived in those times and the rooms, and the library, dining room, cabinets and arches. Impressive exclusive collection of furniture, dishes, paintings and home utensils. Tourists tend to offer wine tasting in the basement of the building, as well as guests can become a viewer of a concert of classical music, which is held in the building. In addition, the annual Domus festival is adjusted so that the local youth can reveal all their talents on the scene. Also with the museum there is a souvenir shop where you can buy genuine Venetian ceramics and other souvenirs.

Address: Kastro, Hora, Naxos City, near Studios Alsos Hotels

These and many other attractions can be advised to visit you on this paradise Green Greek Island.

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