What are the interesting places worth visiting on Kefalonia?


Kefalonia (or Cefalinia) -Greic Island and Province in Greece. By the way, this is the largest of the Ionian Islands - its area of ​​781 km². His name comes from the mythological hero of Kefala, and the other version claims that the version of the name of the island is only associated with the name of the Kefalus cliff, which is on this earth. Kefalinia is located between the islands of Lefkas and Zakynthos, the main city - Argostoli. The island inhabit, well, a long time ago, from the paleolithic era, from the XV century to n. e.

Monastery of St. Gerasimos (Monastery of Agios Gerasimos)

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One of the main attractions of the island, the Women's Monastery, which was erected in 1560 by Kefalonia, living in New York. It can be found next to the village of Walsamate, which is in the central part of the island. But before our time, the cave-cell was preserved under the building of the monastery (where the saint lived last years), and a huge plan. In 1953, an earthquake had happened on the island, which was erased from the face of the Earth, many of the village of Islands, including this monastery, was very victim. However, he was rebuilt again. Many tourists come to this monastery to worship the relics of St. Gerasim. It is worth noting that after the death of the saint, his body was twice exposed to exhumation, and each time it remained unprecedented. Every year, on August 16, the monastery is celebrated the day of the commemoration of St. Gerasim, and his relics of the saint join the weakness and sick. And on October 20, this day of the saint and public holiday on the whole island. The monastery is pretty beautiful, and inside you can see many icons, many of which are gifts of local residents.

Address: Community Omalon, Argostolion

Monastery of the Holy Apostle Andrei (St. Andrew Monastery)

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This is a fairly old monastery, which was abandoned for many years. Finally, in 1579, his building was bought by Benedictine nuns Magdalina, Benedict and Leontaine, who created a women's monastery in the old building, which began to grow pretty quickly. Such well-known people who, for example, Romanian Princess Roxan, were helped to flourish the community - in 1639, a woman became Romily's nun, after a miracle survived during a terrible shipwreck. The main contribution of Roxana-invaluable relics, the relics of the Holy Apostle Andrei (part of his right foot). In the 19th century, due to the friction between the English rulers and nuns, they were the cause of the work of the temple, and all the luxurious frescoes were smeared with a layer of plaster. Then the monastery suffered greatly during the 1953 earthquake, but was restored. It is surprising that during the earthquake, the plaster on the walls of the monastery was sat down, and the unique frescoes of the 13th century were the world. Local residents consider this fact God's phenomenon. In the old cafolycone (the only surviving part in 1953) posted the Byzantine Museum.

Address: Peratata, Western Central Of Island

Kipureon Monastery (Kipoureon Monastery)

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What are the interesting places worth visiting on Kefalonia? 8794_4

The monastery was built in the XVII century next to Liksuria, in the western part of the island. First of all, it is worth noting the luxurious nature of the place where the monastery is located is beautiful views of the sea, which can be admired with the steep cliff, about 90 meters above sea level! It is especially beautiful at sunset here ... once a big monastic braith lived in the monastery, from which only one monk now remained. The main value of the monastery is the miraculous Icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Power and a carved wooden cross. Also the temple is impressive by its numerous Byzantine icons.

Memorial Monument in memory of the Italian Division Akvi (Memorial Acqui Division)

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This monument is located on the outskirts of Argostoli and is a black wall of a grant and a large white Catholic cross, which encourages to recall the tragic events of the Second World War and the "Akvi Division", or "Kefalonian Rubber". This event happened in 1943, when there was a massive shot by the Nazis soldiers and officers of the 33rd Infantry Division. In that autumn, more than 5,000 Italians died. Later, the remains of the 3000 military after exhumation were sent from Kefalonia to Italy for burial at the Military Cemetery in Bari. This monument was set in 1978. Two years after the opening of the memorial, the Italian President of Perchini visited the place, which also participated in hostilities, being in the partisan movement. After that, the attention of the world community was drawn to the "warmine division of Akvi". Today, the Memorial regularly hosts memorial ceremonies with the participation of the leadership of Italy and Greece. You can also visit the History Museum and learn more about the tragic event. The museum is located next to the Catholic Church in Argostoli.

Acropolis themselves (SAMI Acropolis)

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What are the interesting places worth visiting on Kefalonia? 8794_7

Itselves is on the northeast coast of Kefalonia, at the foot of the mountains. About the beautiful city Homer himself mentions in his works. Since itselves has a very favorable position, the city was conquered by the Romans. In the 5-6 centuries of our era, the once prosperous town began to undergo one misfortune over the other, the attacks of the pirates, the earthquake. Gradually, the town began to dy up, while not at all empty. And no longer was inhabited. But the walls of fortresses from large coarse stones are partially preserved to this day. The ruins of the Acropolis, part of the aqueduct, the ruins of the theater, houses and burials - all this is available to tourists today. The main exhibits found on this territory during archaeological excavations are located in the Archeology Museum of Argostoliron.

Archaeological Museum of Argostolion (Archaeological Museum of Argostoli)

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The expositions of the Archaeological Museum are constantly replenished. For guests of the museum, three galleries are available, where you can admire ceramic and bronze products, as well as a rich collection of jewelry. Impressive amphoras in the form of a canonical bowl, which is attributed to 12th century to our era. Can you imagine? Interesting photos from the 1899 excavation process (when most exhibits were found) hang in a separate place and occupy an honorable place in the exposition of this museum.

Address: G. Vergoti Street, Argostolion

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