What money is best to go to Albania?


Albania's national currency is Lek. The exchange coin, 1/100, is called Cindicard, but in connection with growing inflation, it practically came out of use. The course of the Lec is approximately 140 units for 1 euro. Albania is the poorest European country with an extremely unstable economy, so, despite the fact that prices here on pan-European standards are quite low, the local population receives very small salaries than and explains the mass migration of people from Albania to the nearest countries, including Italy and ITALY and Montenegro.

In Albania, it is most practical to go from the euro (moreover, most often people fall into the country from neighboring Montenegro, where in the course this currency), but dollars will also exchange enough easily.

It is not recommended to use street exchange points and all the more changing money from some individuals - in case of misunderstanding or deception, it will be impossible to achieve the truth because of the language barrier, the extreme degree of corruption and the unimportant work of the police in the country. Everything else, exchangers (Zyra Të Këmbimit) are located very chaotic within the city, and often to identify it is not easy.

Exchange Russian rubles here is almost impossible, remember it.

However, you can safely change money in exchange offices operating from banks (they are easy to find out according to the standard Exchange Office lettering). Be careful and pay attention to the course and especially the Commission: in some places it can reach 8%!

What money is best to go to Albania? 8793_1

Many different banks operate in large cities of Albania, each of them has an exchange office, where at the current course will be exchanged as euro and dollars. Banks work on weekdays, the working day is very short, which is typical of southern countries.

Euro is eagerly accepted in the tourist places of Albania. Trading with the seller, do not forget that turning the head from side to the side means consent here, and nodes - on the contrary, failure.

What money is best to go to Albania? 8793_2

Bank cards are in circulation where tourists are, as well as in souvenir shops. In small city shops and in the markets cards are not accepted. You can make money in an ATM on your risk: the commission for conducting such operations may be quite large. If you still decided to make cash, use an ATM at the bank's office or in places where there are many tourists, in order to avoid possible fraud.

Remember: Albania is a very poor country, so any traveler is considered here as a potential buyer of everything in the world, even the most unnecessary. Try not to "shine" bills on the busy streets, especially if you are trampled apart ... otherwise, your entire further path and sightseeing will be accompanied by their silent persecution.

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