The most interesting places in Thassos.


Thassos-Luxury Greek island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. In principle, this is not the smallest island of the country - its area of ​​380 km²! But the people here live a little - only about 14 thousand people or even less. Like all other islands and regions of Greece, Thassos has a long time and very interesting story. It is mentioned in the 6th century chronicles before AD! In the 15th century, Ottomans won the Ottomans. And Greek Tasos became only in 1912. The main city of Tasos - Limenas (translated from the Greek name of the city means "port", that's so simple), the city of Limaria, the second largest population playing important importance. Local residents are engaged in a very traditional occupation, agriculture - there are many vineyards on the island, olive groves, as well as many are engaged in fishing. And, of course, this is a popular tourist corner. The island from the mainland can be reached by ferry - the crossing is carried out every day several times a day.

And a little more about what sights are in Tasos.

Monastery Archangel Mikhail (Monastery of Archangel Michael)

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The female monastery on the edge of the cliff is 25 km from Limenaria and is the largest and famous on the island. The temple was erected in the 18th century. Today, the temple is proud of a collection of religious articles and works of monks, as well as part of the holy nail from the crucifixion of Jesus. If you want to visit this temple, then the rules of the temple should be followed - for men - long pants, for women - long skirts and long sleeves blouses. In general, the temple itself is also the temple itself, and the place where it is located - we can say that this is a large observation deck with which you can admire a stunning view of the Aegean Sea.


Panteleimon Monastery (St. Panteleimon Monastery)

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There is a monastery in the very depth of the island, next to the Casavyi village. The temple was erected in 1843 from stones with the nearest mountain, well, the roof is made of wood and covered with slate. The monastery is quite modest. By the way, there is an interesting legend of its construction. It is said that the construction of the building was planned completely elsewhere, but for some inexplicable reasons the day after the day of construction, part of the already built disappeared, and the workers disappeared the tools. The workers paid attention to Earth and followed them, and found the place where all parts of the construction were located - here it was decided to build a monastery. And the place of an unusual one can see the cave, where, according to the stories of the local, lived himself holy panthewon. In the miracle temple, people sought from the whole country and from other countries, overcoming thousands of kilometers in the hope of cure. On July 27, the thrust holiday is celebrated annually in the temple, and these days there are many believers on the island. The temple itself is located high in the mountains and is very removed from the tourist trail. Solemn majestic privacy, but what kinds open from the mountains!

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Church of the Dormition)

The modest church is divided into the village of Rahoni, on the North-West shore of the island. The location is extremely picturesque. Theory actor, in it services and religious events are held daily. The main holiday of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin, who passes on August 15th.

Sanctuary on the island of Tasos (Sanctuary)

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The sanctuary is located next to Cape Aliki in the South-Eastern part of the island, and this is one of the most interesting attractions of Tasos. The sanctuary was built in the 7th century to our era, and today the ruins remained. But, anyway, the spectacle is impressive! The sanctuary was part of the ancient island settlement among mountains and forests. Today at this place can be seen one of the porticors with memorable inscriptions and pictures, which left about two thousand years ago, who arrived on the island of sailors. Interestingly, most of them are erotic. The sanctuary is free for visiting every day.

Factory for the production of jewelry "Golden Iris" ("Golden Iris")

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This is a famous factory for the production of jewelry made of gold on all Greece. Only 20 specialists work at the factory, and three of them are world jewelry masters. If you are a fool of decoration of gold, then you can visit the factory - well, in fact, such a tour you will be offered guides. In the factory you can order an exclusive decoration. Well, the factory is named in honor of the Greek goddess of mankind Iris, the Messenger of Ges. There is a factory for two steps away from the Grand Beach Aparthotel on the southwest coast of the island.

Top of Ipsario (Mount IpSario)

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The most interesting places in Thassos. 8783_7

This mountain is one of the most picturesque natural viewing sites of the island. She is over over the sandy beach of Christ Amudia, between the rocks of Pamias and Panagiyas. This, by the way, is to say, the high point of Tasos, after all, it is elevated by Ipsario by 1200 meters above sea level. The mountain picked up with greens, shrubs and trees, and climb there, in principle, simply, although the rise is caught only hardy and sports people. Lifting can take up to 4 hours or more. If you rise through the monastery of sv. Panteleimon, the path will be shorter (back-back clock 6-7). You can rent a car, and then the path to the mountain takes only an hour. From the slopes of the mountain you will open the luxurious view of the island and the sea coast. The village of Potamia is located on the slope, where you can also visit the Little Museum of the Local Sculptor Wagis. Next to the rock and the village of Rachoni (or Rahoni) there is a monastery of St. George - this is an abandoned church, but there are candles that can be lit and put. The monastery has an excellent asphalt road.

Laguna Giol (Laguna Giola)

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This is a natural round pool in the shape of a pearl shell with a purest warm water. From the sea puchin of the lagoon, three meters depth is separated by a two-meter stone natural wall. Sometimes, when strong waves raise in the sea, the water in the pool rises and become a bit more cooler. The place is very beautiful and very beloved by tourists, do not be surprised if you find compatriots flying in the lagoon. There is this lagoon almost in the southernmost part of the island, two steps from the Europark Hotel.

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