Madness and contrasts of colorful Delhi


In April 2014, it was lucky to get a couple of weeks to the capital of the country, which I incredibly love and meetings with which I always look forward to! This may seem amazing, but Delhi already once again not tired to surprise and shock me, present the most incredible surprises and gifts.

This time a small route was scheduled for attractions that are not included in the standard "tourist list". I wanted to see another Delhi. The room was booked in a fairly comfortable and modern on the Indian standards of the Jaypee Network Hotel (Siddharth) at five minutes' walk from the metro station, which is very convenient for independent independent walks.

I have long wanted to visit the Gandhi Smriti Gandhi Museum. First of all went there. In addition to the opportunity to learn more about the life of this great figure in the park around the buildings of the museum felt incredibly for Delhi, calm and peace. Everything is very well maintained and neat. To be honest, the memorial park seemed to me one of the most suitable places in the raising capital for relaxation and relaxing in the shade of trees.

The next point in the route was chosen another religious place in India, the greatest mosque of the country of Jam Masjid, which in the old part of the capital. To get to the great joy to get inside the mosque, it turned out very simple if the clothes comply with Islamic rules and requirements. During prayer, foreigners are forbidden to be in the mosque, but this time I am extremely lucky. I did not have time to notice before the beginning of the prayer, and I managed to take a few pictures, which I had dreamed of long ago. The mosque and walls of the courtyard are incredibly beautiful in color and form, for some reason remind me of sweets.

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However, an absolutely surprise for me was everything that happened after we left the mosque and were going to see the last "object" in our schedule for the day. We wished to take a very elegant and large Indian family with us. After the conversation went, from where we and what we plan to do in the evening. The conversation ended with the fact that we were invited to the Indian wedding, which was to take place in the evening of the same day at the niece of the Father of the family, with whom we were lucky to meet! The lowering details of Indian wedding traditions, ceremonies and rituals can only say one thing: the fun and zador of the Hindu wedding, the combination of modern and traditional, excavating goodness and hospitality do not go to any comparison with all wedding ceremonies and customs that I have come before!

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This is how the first day of adventures in the fountaining emotions of the huge city of one of the greatest countries ended for us.

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