Which hotel is better to stay in Pakbenge?


In view of the fact that Pakbeng is just a transshipment point on the way to the main tourist center of Laos Luang Prabanga and 99 percent of travelers here do not delay more than one night, still want to spend this night and relative comfort. It is with relative, because more or less worthy service here can offer only two hotels: Pak Beng Lodge and Luang Say Lodge. Moreover, the second is more designed to accommodate passengers of the cruise steamhouse for Meconburg - Luang Say. So places, as a rule, are all booked.

Which hotel is better to stay in Pakbenge? 8761_1

But Pak Beng Lodge is more accessible, and there are always places in it, partly because comfortable rooms in this complex belonging to expatriate from France, cost from 60 to 130 US dollars (including a good dinner with French wine and breakfast) that is not very cheap for this place.

Which hotel is better to stay in Pakbenge? 8761_2

If comfort for one night is not a fundamental condition, you can choose any of the guest houses that there are many and most of them are located on the main street, which is 150 meters from the pier. Prices for standard rooms with a shared shower on the floor begins from $ 3, and the cost of the room with its own bathroom will cost a couple of dollars more expensive. At the same time, it is worth paying attention if the room has an individual water heater. This is due to the fact that most of the Guesthouses of Pakbenga is equipped with central heating and daily heat a certain amount of water to the entire guesthouse. And in this case, the principle works "who first got up, that and sneakers." Warm water can simply not be enough.

Which hotel is better to stay in Pakbenge? 8761_3

You can pay for the rooms by local currency - Lao Ciles, US dollars and Thai Batami, which are taken here with great pleasure.

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