Hostels Lviv


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"File Misto" Lviv - so it is customary to speak in the western part of the picturesque Ukraine. This city is rightfully considered the cultural capital of the country. That is why many do not miss the chance to visit this town.

When, I was staying there for the last time - I used the services of a hostel, as it was expensive to live in a hotel. And in order to see Lviv, it is better to settle in the center - it's easier to get, and in general you can walk around the city.

The hostel is better to book in advance, the Internet to help you. There are specialized sites, on which, when requesting "Lviv Hostels", you can find accommodation that will be suitable for both and by price, and by the number of neighbors in your room, and also determine which dates in this hostel are free.

So, I found inexpensive rooms for 2 people. And I lived a 2-minute walk from the central square. The only, New Year holidays, national holidays, as well as large-scale festivals in Lviv or near him it is very difficult to find a place. Therefore, it is better to have a search for housing 2-3 weeks before the planned trip.

By the way, I advise you to carefully read the reviews for hostels. So, I practically booked a room in Zirka, and then reading about housing, I realized that there, even though it was in a divine, but it was impossible to live.

I lived on a banking street, pretty close to the center and is available. There are many other hostels nearby, truth is more expensive.

Look carefully when you arrive in the hostel where exactly will live or with whom, first pay money for housing. Because then the cash can not be returned, and you will flush for a long time. Usually the administration of the hostel shows you your room. Just consider - this is not a hotel, and perfect purity or magnificent neighbors here 100% will not.

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For rest with the baby hostel, I would not recommend - after all, it is more directed for recreation of poor youth. Since often there is noisy and quite a few people. And the children will understand, it will be difficult to sleep in such noise.

By the way, if the hunt is returned, there are rooms in hostels and 2-seater. But, they are on the weight of gold and their little. Again, it is better to rush to find housing as early as possible.

Nutrition in hostels is not most often provided. Maximum is a croissant with tea for breakfast. But, there is a kitchen. Want - cook. There are dishes, pans, saucepans, as well as tea, coffee, sugar. If you do not want to cook, in Lviv - many low-cost cafes. The chocolate cafes are very popular there - hot chocolate, chocolate cakes, candy ... shorter yummy. There are many institutions where wonderful beer is sold. And even in the center, near one of the temples - superclass Pelmannaya-varenichny. There is tasty, inexpensive and cozy!

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