The most interesting excursions in Venice.


Venice, magical and attractive, sample of Italian architecture, which was imitated in the Middle Ages and continue to imitate these days - she manites tourists from all over the world. And, of course, it is better to enjoy her beauty, there are many excursions, about the time of which will be able to see the main architects monuments, to visit the islands of the Venetian lagoon, to get acquainted with the traditions and culture of the Veneto region.

The most interesting excursions in Venice. 8750_1

Venice sightseeing tour

A relatively small in size of Venice is so rich on architectural architecture monuments, embankments and picturesque landscapes, which is almost impossible to fit all this in one sightseeing excursion. Therefore, all agencies have several types of such excursions.

For example, a sightseeing excursion that allows you to get acquainted with the architectural ensemble on San Marco Square, visiting the bridge of sighs, the only bridge without a railing Ponte Cyodo, as well as the House of Marco Polo, the Ladder of Contention Del Bowzolo, the house Goethe.

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Instead of a pedestrian, a tour of the gondola can be more impressive than sailing by the pearls of Venice through the channels, admire the fantastic decorations of the incredible city, and the kiss under the bridges of sighs promises in love with eternal feeling.

One of the varieties of a sightseeing excursion is a tour of the night Venice, during which it will be possible to admire the old city, even more mysterious in the lunar light, without a crowded crowd. Part of the excursion is carried out on the water - on a boat or gondola. Schiavone Embankment, San Marco Square, Naudo Palace, Rialto Bridge - All this can be seen in the light of the lanterns during an excursion through the night city.

There are in Venice and thematic excursions: "Venice Brodsky" where it will be possible to see the city of the Great Poet, inspired him, embankments, enemia in verses, a favorite cafe and a cemetery, where he bequeathed to be funeral. Excursions "Venice of Casanov" Tell about the life of the famous Venetian Jacomo Casanov. During her, it will be possible to see the house where he was born, Piombi's prison, from which he made escape, the women's monastery Angeli on the island of Murano, which he visited his beloved and much more.

Murano, Burano and Torchello - Islands of the Venetian Lagoon

Murano is an island, which is often called Venice in miniature. It was from here that the famous "Muranous (or Venetian) glass". In addition to glass, interesting in his cathedrals: Santa Maria E Donato Cathedral and Church of San Pietro Martir.

Burano - a tiny island, as if coming out of pages of fairy tales. Bright, multicolored, colorful, memorable - It is difficult to find two similar home. By the way, the citizens are forbidden to repaint their homes to preserve the unique flavor of this Venetian region.

Torchello is the most unclosed Island of Venice with Palaces-Museums, the Cathedral of Santa Maria-Assunta and the best in Northern Italy by the ensemble of Byzantine Mosaics. Instead of a trip to Torchello, a visit to the island of San Michele, famous for his cemetery, where they found the last shelter and our famous compatriots: Sergey Dyagilev, Joseph Brodsky, Igor Stravinsky and others.

Alternatively such an excursion: a trip only to Murano Island, known for its glass factory with centuries-old traditions. During the trip, you can visit the glass museum, watch this ancient craft and admire the finished products.

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San Lazaro-Deli-Armeni Island

During an excursion to San Lazaro Island in the Venetian Lagoon, founded by the Armenian community and nicknamed because of this Armenian, will be able to see the Armenian Church of St. Benedict, a library with the rarest books and valuable manuscripts, as well as the art gallery with the works of Marinist Aivazovsky. The cost of excursion from 25 euros is additionally paid to the boat from 14 euros on both sides and entrance to the territory of the monastery - 5 euros.

Excursion to Coneland and Castelbrando

Journey through Veneto, one of the main centers of winemaking in Italy, begins with a small town of Coneleano, located at the foot of the Alps, among the endless hills and vineyards. It is Coneleano that is considered the capital of light sparkling fault of the concerned, replacing champagne in Italy. In addition to tasting, the program includes visits to the historic center of the city - Contrada Granda, where there are the most beautiful buildings of Coneleano - with arches, ornaments and frescoes.

The second point of the trip is Castellbrando Castle, located in Chenon Di-Valmarino - the heart of local winemaking. Castelbrando Castle is considered one of the most vintage and largest castles in Europe. Weave various styles makes the castle the majestic and charming. Currently, a museum with the history of Middle Ages is located in the castle, as well as a hotel and restaurants. The cost of the excursion is from 200 euros per group of up to 3 people.

Excursion to Abano Terme

One of the best thermal resorts in Europe, located in the lowland and surrounded by hills, rivers and forest. During the excursion to be familiar with the remnants of Greek and Roman civilizations - the market square, the amphitheater and aqueduct. And the trip will end with rest on thermal waters with medicinal mud and salt grott.

Trip to Verona.

Verona, the second largest city in the province of Veneto, thanks to the Genius of Shakespeare, who challenged him in his immortal tragedy "Romeo and Juliet", called the capital of lovers. During the excursion, you can visit the visit to the house and the tomb of Juliet, as well as inspection outside the Romeo House. Here it will also be possible to touch the statue of Juliet, according to the legends bringing happiness in love. In addition, it will be possible to see the main cathedral of Verona, built in Romanesque style with elements of Gothic, the main railway area of ​​Erbe with the highest building of the city - Striped Tower Lamberti, as well as the magnificent palace-park complex Justie with antique statues, fountains and grot - True embodiment Renaissance.

Fishing in Venice

Venice, made by numerous channels, manitis and fishing lovers. During fishing, it will be possible to go fishing with the urban embankment, admiring the magnificent views of the old town.

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