Transport in Berlin



The metro metro transport system is the largest in the state and one of the newest among European countries. However, the passage here is also more expensive than in other cities of the country. Metro in Berlin is characterized by high level of environmental friendliness and efficiency.

The Berlin Metro has more than one hundred seventy stations, and their total length is more than one and a half hundred kilometers. Every day, the city metro transports more than a million passengers, and over the year - more than 400 million. Most people who use the services of the Berlin transport company, uses this method of movement in the capital.

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Daily trains of the city metro are passing four hundred thousand km, and over the year - approximately 132 million km. For ease of understanding, imagine that during the day these drives nine times overcome the distance equal to the length of the equator line.

On average metro moves at a speed of approximately thirty kilometers per hour. The interval between the trains is from three to five minutes. By the way, in this metro Mobile phones catch any network, and when using BVG tickets, you can even charge your cellular.


In the capital of Germany, passengers serves the transport system to "Strainet", which consists of trends with metro and metrobus. It helps many people significantly save their time when traveling around the city.

Transport goes along the routes at least twenty hours per day. The interval can make up ten minutes as possible. In addition to special trams and buses, the metosette includes twelve areas of express buses.


Berlin has the most extensive tram network in the country. BVG cars are an integral component of metropolitan landscapes in many of its places, without them Berlin is already difficult to imagine.

In general, the city's length of routes is about a hundred ninety KM. In sum, the distance that daylight and night trams pass through five lines is 430 km. Daily, this transport carries out 5300 trips and transports more than 560 thousand people. The number of passengers transported over the year is 171 million, and the number of departures is 1.3 million. There are 789 stops in the city, they are from each other at a distance of 459 m. Trams move at an average speed just over nineteen km per hour.

As part of the tram park there are many types of transport. It moves both through wide capital avenues and in a narrower street.

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You can use the ticket company "BVG" when traveling to six ferry directions. Every day, this type of transport overcomes around the capital about seven kilometers of the waterway.

You, in addition, you can use preferential tickets for short distances travel - in directions F11, F12, F21, F23 and F24.


Public transport in Berlin allows everyone to quickly reach the required place of the city, but besides this, here, of course, you can use the services of a taxi - more than seven thousand goes along the metropolitan roads. To find a lot of time to spend a lot of time to spend - you can stop the car on the road or find it on one of the numerous taxi parking, or use the order by phone. Taxi allows you to quickly and safely reach the desired point of the city.

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Personal vehicle

Those who do not like public transport and taxis and are accustomed to moving around on their own car will find quite suitable conditions for such independent travel in the capital of Germany. In Berlin, there are no big traffic jams - in contrast, for example, from Moscow. On the roads, mostly, you can ride freely, because there is a fairly good road infrastructure, thanks to which drivers have different options, how to get there, where required. In the city and in the most popular places there are a large number of road signs, which allows you to make it easier to facilitate orientation in an unfamiliar place.


In many areas of the city, especially those in the center, you will need to purchase parking tickets, because for the parking lot in the daytime - from 09:00 to 18:00 or until 20:00 you need to pay. There are places where paying parking is necessary even until midnight - for example, around Rosentalshtraße. There is a pleasant party - not an example of other major cities, there are no problems with a free parking space in Berlin, you can easily stop even in the central part of the city.


The capital of Germany is famous for the abundance of cyclists - their total length is 620 km. You can transport such a vehicle in the subway. Near the gastronomic institutions and shops there are bellows. In the metro with the help of stickers on the carriage doors, it is designated whether it is possible to carry a bike here, as well as the number of allowable bicycles on this car. It is forbidden to carry them on weekdays until 09:00, as well as from 14:00 to 17:30, however, many passengers do not comply with these rules. If you do not have a Welcome Card or Monats-Karte Premium, then a ticket will be needed on this vehicle - Einzelfhahrausweis.

The city is located a large number of bicycle rental offices. You can in any of the shops for the sale of bicycles to find those that you will be offered to rent. At the same time, besides the bike, they will also provide the castle. The amount of approximately one hundred euros will be asked for a deposit, or some document. If you are going to drive a long time on Berlin, it will be more profitable if you buy somewhere cheaply supported bike.

There is also an interesting option - to rent a bike of futuristic design from the company Die Bahn - there are two thousand such vehicles in Berlin, they can be found next to the metro stations and near large intersections. When you see a bike of red-silver color, take a look at the block - if a green light is lit, then you can take it. After that, you should make a call to the Callbike service and communicate the credit card number. Then - call the number indicated on the blocking mechanism so that it is turned off.

A minute of renting such a bike worth 0.06 euros (minimum cost - 5 euros, maximum per day - 15). When you get to the right place of the city, you will need to click the RUCKGABE button - "Return", remember the released code, call the phone, which is listed on the locking mechanism, indicating the code and location where you leave the vehicle. The bicycle must be attached to a stationary object and leave near one of the main intersections, otherwise it provides a fine of up to twenty euros.

Bookstores sell cards for cyclists, worth about seven euros.

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