Orlando - the city where the fairy tale comes


In Orlando, we decided to go, resting in Miami with the whole family. The reason is the children, learning that it is next to this city there is the largest Disneyland in the world, they really wanted to visit there. The problem was how to organize a trip for the implementation of a children's dream. The fact is that the representation of our travel company in Miami asked for such a tour of $ 1,000 for four. We were not clearly ready for such spending. They appealed to the reception at the hotel and found out that you can buy a tour of Orlando directly from them and pay about $ 100 per person. This option came up more. Of course, we lost in the comfort of an individual trip, but the big bus that drove for us at 5 am, was quite convenient. All 50 of its landing places were eventually occupied by the same travelers from other hotels.

On the way to Disneyland, we called for a sightseeing tour of Orlando, but the city did not impress anything, as it is a typical American metropolis, with the same skyscrapers everywhere and the lack of any interesting historical objects. Most of all we were shifted to my densine deneyland.

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And so, we are in place. The amusement park really amazes imagination. This is a real city from childhood. There is not only a lot of interesting children entertainment, but also a whole street with restaurants and souvenir shops.

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In the center of all this holiday - Walt Disney Castle. Several times a day, on a schedule, a theatrical march of the characters of his most famous cartoons passes through the Central Alley of Disneyland.

It is best to explore the park, driving around the whole of its territory, on a stylized under the history of the train with cars. He makes in different parts of the park 4 stops where you can go away or on the contrary to go on board. Both the train and all entertainment on the park are included in the price of the entrance ticket. It is not necessary to pay separately. By the way, let you not frighten the queues for many attractions here. You can simply take the electronic number in which it will be written to what time it is better to return here to go. Thus, you do not need to stand in any queue, but just take a walk in the park.

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