What time is it better to rest in Monaco?


As soon as you come to Monaco, it seems that you fell into the country of the Sun, where everything is filled with light and warmth. And it is no coincidence, because summer there lasts essentially 300 days a year. True, in Monaco, as in the entire Mediterranean coast, there is also a high tourist season and low characterized by cold weather with probable rains. Nevertheless, most of the days a year is designed to enjoy travelers with this incredible corner of Europe, so unlike their neighbors and so attractive.

Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting several climatic or weather features that can help tourists going to Monaco. And you can also devote a couple of lines to those dates that are particularly attractive to visit this small principality for other, more prosaic reasons.

What time is it better to rest in Monaco? 8724_1

So, let's begin.

High tourist season In Monaco begins in May and ends at the end of October, when it becomes gradually cold. It is for these months that the princess attendance is the peak, because it is then that it can offer its guests not only a bright sun with good weather, and therefore - a magnificent beach holiday, but also all sorts of events and festivals, adding a highlight.

This is, of course, about the stage of the Formula 1 race "Grand Prix of Monaco", passing in Monaco from the end of May and collecting an incredible number of viewers. And although this is a truly a sign event, which simply pulls to go, the usual tourist is better to choose at least a week before or later. After all, during the race, all hotels are clogged, the apartments surrenders incredibly high prices (when I was called a five-digit number in the euro, it became a little in itself), and the cost of food and services also corresponds to the rest. Although if it all incredibly want to get to Monaco, it is these days that can be stopped in one of the neighboring towns in France or Italy, and in Monaco to take a bus or car.

As for the beach holiday, the most favorable months for bathing and other water entertainment in Monaco are July and August When the water temperature can reach + 26 ° C. Although someone comes to this purpose here and in June, when the water of the weather is still at +19 - 23 ° C. Of course, a year for a year is not necessary, and sometime it may be enough warmth and in May, but in general, numerous tourists begin to fill in Monaco's coastline from the end of June. Although again here you have to choose that you like more - warm water and many neighbors on the beach, or freedom of action and refreshing sea temperature.

By the way, during the swimming season in Monaco, guests are offered the widest choice of water entertainment, among which you can choose not only water skiing or beach volleyball, but also diving, yachting or sailing.

What time is it better to rest in Monaco? 8724_2

If we talk about the so-called Velvet season That is, about September days, it is also a pretty good option. After all, it is still fairly warm both on land and in water, the sun is no longer roast, and there are not so many people. The temperature of the water at this time ranges from +21 ° C to +23 ° C, although it can sometimes shed and light rain. Closer to October, monaco will slowly leave the avid swimsters, and the principality is again filled with curious tourists who come mainly by entertainment and sightseeing.

Low season In Monaco, as such is not. Although in the period from November to April, the number of rich travelers, thirsting on the challenge and spend large sums, is significantly reduced. But excursion groups are added, which is intended to know the goal of a knowledgeable acquaintance with Monaco. At this time and prices in hotels and restaurants are slightly lower, although there is still a multiple reduction in the cost of services and goods in Monaco. So if you want to meet Monaco, but you do not want to break through too much breach in my budget, you can look at the autumn and spring months, for example, by October and April, when it is already very or even warm, but significantly fewer people than in summer.

What concerns Winter months , despite the fact that at this time, of course, it is impossible to think about swimming or diving, as well as about many hours of walks under the affectionate sun (at this time there is already cool enough and often it rains), Monaco is still filled from time to time People. This is, first of all, with a sailing regatta "Monaco Optimist Team Racing" and the February "Primo Cup-Trophée Credit Suisse", which is held throughout Europe and the February "Primo Cup-Trophée Credit Suisse".

In addition, many viewers are going to Monaco during the Spring Festival of Arts in Monte Carlo (March-April), St. Jean Day (from June 23 to 25), during which all sorts of performances and carnivals are held, "International Festival Fireworks "(August)," Jazz Festival "(November) and, of course, exhibitions of the yacht" Monaco Yacht Show ", held in the fall.

Thus, whatever time the traveler has chosen to visit Monaco, he probably guesses. Sunny and warm summer days will allow him to enjoy the rich Mediterranean nature, and colder, rainy winter days will be allowed to get acquainted with the culture and history of the country.

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