What are Acapulco Beaches to visit?


Last year rested in a stunning place - Acapulco, the beaches in it a large number, but everyone can be highlighted especially, as it has its own unique atmosphere.

The beach wearing the name of La Kondes, as permanent tourists told us, it is on it that they are shooting, familiar to us, Russians, Latin American TV series. In the afternoon, we were not born on the Golden Sand, and at night they broke off at the disco "Palladium". I also want to note a stunning artificial waterfall with mineral waters, from which we almost did not get out.

What can be said about Barra Beaches - Bewe and Revolkadero? The beaches are wide enough, having viewing platforms, you can ride in the horses that we have done. Our friends rode a yacht in Tres Lagoon, we regretted that they did not go to this journey with them. Laguna is a fairy tale.

Puerto Marquez Beach is famous for its sailing tournaments, we found this event, a stunning spectacle from a huge amount of sailboats, competing among themselves in an open water space. On the beach there are cozy restaurants, ah, what Michilada cocktails are served there!

What are Acapulco Beaches to visit? 8713_1

Revolkadero Beach, just a paradise for surficists, as the beach goes into the open ocean, here are strong trends and big waves, we did not take risked there to swim there.

Galeta and Galetile Beach - the rest of respectable people, along the coast, the prestigious villas, expensive hotels. Water is crystal clear, and the sand is practically white.

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As well as the previous ones, Tamarindos and Ornos belong to elite beaches, entering them only for vacationers in Amakas hotels and Paraiso Acapulco, there are beaches in the north-western part of Acapulco, you can often meet holidaymakers celebrities.

Caletilla and Kaleta beaches. A great place to explore the underwater world Mexico, we rode boats that have a clear bottom, sensations are incredible. From the beach of Caleyltulla, we made a sea trip to the island of La Rocket, the most vivid impression on the island was that we were able to see the statue of the Virgin Guadeloop, immersed on the depth of 2 meters under the water.

Here are some Mexican beaches that can be visited by traveling through Acapulco.

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