The best excursions in Prague.


Sightseeing tour of Prague

The most faithful solution is in such a city as Prague, amazing, with a rich history, excellent types and impressive architectural monuments, to start acquaintance with a sightseeing tour. Tourist firms and private guides offer many options: both bus and passenger cars, and pedestrian, and separate in Prague Country and Grads, separate by the old town, but with a ship walk along Vltav - options a great set. Prices, respectively, also differ, but start from 15 euros.

As an option half-mixture, an interesting trip on the Hop ON - HOP OFF excursion bus. On the streets of Prague, bright buses run from half an end to eight in the evening. The cost of the 24-hour ticket - from 20 euros, depending on the route. There is also a 48-hour ticket. Three routes were laid on the main attractions of the Czech capital, the buses have an audio guide, including in Russian. At any time you can get out of the bus, and a little later to transfer to the next one. The interval between buses from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the route. The first, the most popular route will allow to explore the historic core of Prague: Old Town, Old Town Square, Wenceslas Square, Prague Castle, Dancing House and even twenty entertaining seats of the Czech capital. Other routes will get acquainted with a brewing plant, Streletsky Island and Vyhagola.

The best excursions in Prague. 8711_1

Castles Karlstein and Konopiste

Karlstein, or Karlov Stone, named after its founder, Czech King Charles IV Inmpodent fortress on the mountain, hidden behind the thick forest. The castle almost did not change since its construction. Also not changed and the royal chambers for which the excursion passes. The second castle on the way, Konopiste, is surrounded by a beautiful park. The castle itself is impressive with his collection of paintings, furniture and hunting trophies. The cost of excursion from 35 euros is additionally paid input tickets to castles. Karlstein - 270 Czech crowns (10 euros), Konopiste - 22- crumbs (8 euros).

Kutna Mountain, Knights and Blaby Castle

Located 65 kilometers of the town of Kutna Mountain is famous for its cathedrals, as well as a mint, which can be visited during an excursion. The next stop is the Kosnitz, or the chapel of all the saints, striking by its interiors: everything is absolutely done here from human skulls and bones. And in conclusion, a trip will be acquainted with the bars - a castle with ghosts. Built in the style of romanticism in the middle of a magnificent park, this castle is famous for its collections of pictorial canvases, armor and weapons, German and Czech porcelain. The cost of an excursion from 35 euros is additionally paid to the entrance tickets to the Cathedral of St. Barbara in Kutnaya Mountain - 60 kroons (2 euros), the chapel of all saints is 90 kroons (3 euros) and the flab castle - 190 kroons (7 euros).

The best excursions in Prague. 8711_2

Clek and Castle Czech Sternberk

Moravian Venice is called the city of bodies for the cascade of ponds, the bypass canal and charming Renaissance and Baroque houses. This city is famous and a unique Renaissance fortress on the water, which received the title of "the most fabulous castle of the Czech Republic." Also, during the excursion, an acquaintance will be familiar with the Sazava Castle of the Sternberk river, built in the Gothic style and later rebuilt in the style of Baroque. The castle is a great collection of engravings, hours and weapons. Cost of excursion from 40 euros. Additionally charge tickets Cole Cole - 210 kroons (7.5 euros) and Czech Sternberk - 145 kroons (5 euros).

Karlovy Vary

Favorite resort of Russian resort workers at all times, Karlovy Vary celebrate tourists the purity of the streets, the greens of the surrounding mountains and twelve healing sources. During the excursion it will be possible to try healing water, swim in the open-air thermal pool and visit the Moser Royal Crystal Museum. The cost of the excursion is from 40 euros. Additionally, the excursion to the Moser Museum is 180 kroons (6.5 euros).

Moravian Kras and Castle Pernstein

Moravian Kras (or Carswi) A unique reserve with a system of underground karst caves, during a tour of which can be admired by giant stalactites, stalagmites and staples, descend to the bottom of the abyss and ride a boat along the underground river. Dovenation with a filmmaker Gothic castle with Renaissance interiors, where many fairy tales and historical films took place during the second part of the excursion. Pernstein Castle, such a favorite Czech directors, is considered one of the most preserved castles in Europe. The cost of excursion from 50 euros, additionally paid input tickets to Morak - 250 kroons (9 euros) and Perfstein Castle - 180 kroons (6.5 euros).

Czech Krumlov and Castle Deep

The historical center of Czech Krumlov, surrounded by water from all sides, is striking the beauty of his renaissance buildings. In addition to dating the historical center, the local castle will be seen in Czech Krumlov and raise the bridge, 40 meters high, to admire the picturesque panoramas of the surroundings. The castle is deep over Vltava is recognized as one of the most beautiful castles of the Czech Republic - and not in vain. Performed in the style of late Gothic, with luxurious interiors and a picturesque garden around, this castle amazes with its magnificence. The cost of excursion from 40 euros, additionally paid input tickets to the castle - 210 kroons (7.5 euros).


During a fifteen hour excursion to the brilliant Austrian capital, it is to be acquainted with the Vienna Town Hall, the magnificent cathedral of Stefansd, the Opera House, the elegant trade and tourist street of Graben, as well as a real Viennese apple and coffee. The cost of excursion from 65 euros.

The best excursions in Prague. 8711_3


Just 150 kilometers from Prague is the pearl of Saxony - the city of Dresden. Destroyed during World War II, but carefully and scrupulously restored, this city is considered one of the most beautiful in Germany. And his main treasure is considered the art gallery of old masters famous for the whole world with the best creations of the Great Rafael - "Sicstinian Madonna". The cost of excursion to Dresden is from 40 euros. Additionally, tickets are paid to the picture of the gallery - 10 euros.

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